Agenda and decisions

Decisions made between January and February 2015, Cabinet Members' Decisions - Thursday, 12th February, 2015

No. Item


Australia Road Corridor And SUDS Scheme pdf icon PDF 299 KB

Additional documents:


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member on: 9 February 2015


That approval be given to implement the detailed design of the Australia Road Corridor and SuDS scheme at a total cost of £830,000 subject to statutory consultation and any further steps to take on the maintenance responsibility of the new highway currently not adopted highway.



Lease Of Vehicles For Neighbourhood Warden Service pdf icon PDF 221 KB

Additional documents:


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member on: 2 February 2015


That approval be given to award the lease agreement to Automotive for two Ford Transit vehicles for the Neighbourhood Warden Service at a total cost of £26,980 for a five year hire agreement. The award will be under the terms of the framework agreement let by Sector Treasury Services. The Zafira will continue to be leased under its current contract.



Confirm Connect Mobile Upgrade pdf icon PDF 168 KB


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member on: 9 February 2015


To approve the purchase of the Confirm Connect Module to continue and enhance the mobile working of officers in the Transport and Highway Division.



Tri-Borough ICT Support, 2014/15 pdf icon PDF 185 KB


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member on: 23 January 2015


1.    To approve the costs incurred by H&F in providing extra ICT support during 2014/15. Approval is sought for a total of £98,562 to be funded from the IT Enablers fund.  This is for the total cost of ICT support provided by H&F via HFBP to the other two councils.


2.    To note that further approval will be requested for any additional costs that are charged by our Tri-Borough partners.



Constitution Of The Governing Body Of Melcombe Primary School pdf icon PDF 283 KB


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member on: 6 February 2015


That the Instrument of Government for the governing body of Melcombe Primary School, as set out in Appendix 1 of this report, be made, coming into effect on 30th March 2015.



Appointment Of LA Governor - Sulivan Primary School pdf icon PDF 152 KB


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member on: 30 January 2015


That the following LA Governor appointment be made:


That  Mrs Rosie Wait be appointed as LA Governor for Sulivan Primary School for a four year term with effect from date of signature.



Appointment Of A Council Representative To The Western Riverside Waste Authority pdf icon PDF 159 KB


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member on: 27 January 2015


1.            To note the resignation of Councillor Wesley Harcourt from the Western Riverside Waste Authority Board of Directors with immediately effect.


2.            That Councillor Larry Culhane be appointed as a Council representative on the Western Riverside Waste Authority Board of Directors from 27th January 2015 with the appointment expiring on 26th February 2015.


3.            That Councillor Wesley Harcourt be appointed to replace Councillor Larry Culhane on the Western Riverside Waste Authority Board of Directors from the 27th February 2015 until 16th June 2018.



Constitution Of The Governing Body Of Old Oak Primary School pdf icon PDF 285 KB


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member on: 30 January 2015


That the Instrument of Government for the governing body of Old Oak Primary School, as set out in Appendix 1 of this report, be made, coming into effect on 11th February 2015.



Constitution Of The Governing Body Of Addison Primary School pdf icon PDF 283 KB


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member on: 6 February 2015


That the Instrument of Government for the governing body of Addison Primary School, as set out in Appendix 1 of this report, be made, coming into effect on 16th March 2015.



Replacement Of Communal Lighting C/W Emergency Lighting At Munden Street, Planetree Court And Waterhouse Close Sheltered Housing


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member on: 20 January 2015


That the recommendations contained on the exempt report be approved.



Replacement Of Existing Landlords Lighting At Arthur Henderson House, 1-43 Barclay Close, 172-199 Riverside Gardens And William Banfield House


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member on: 20 January 2015


That the recommendations contained on the exempt report be approved.



Land Sale - The Lodge, 70 Vera Road, London SW6 6QX


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member on: 6 February 2015


That the recommendation contained on the exempt report be approved.