Agenda and decisions

Decisions made between October and November 2014, Cabinet Members' Decisions - Tuesday, 18th November, 2014

No. Item


Approval to award a stationery contract to office depot for four years from 3rd November 2014 at an estimated cost of £400,000 pdf icon PDF 184 KB


Decision made by the Cabinet Member on: 24 October 2014


To call off the four-year framework agreement awarded by the London Borough of Havering on behalf of London Authorities for the supply of office stationery including photocopy paper, equipment, educational and electronic supplies  commencing on  3rd November 2014 at an estimated cost of £.400,000.


Signing The Statement Of Support For Shelter Campaign Evicting Rogue Landlords pdf icon PDF 186 KB


Decision made by the Cabinet Members on: 30 October 2014


1.        That the Council signs the statement of support for the Shelter Evict Rogue Landlords Campaign.


2.        The Council issues an appropriate press release confirming it has signed up to the campaign.



Kenmont Gardens Landscaping Works pdf icon PDF 998 KB


Decision made by the Cabinet Member on: 27 October 2014

It is recommended that:

1.    Approval be given to proceed with the landscaping and sustainable drainage works as detailed in this report at an estimated cost of £275,000 with £225,000 funding from the 2014/15 TfL Integrated Transport allocation and £50,000 from available SuDS funding.


2.    Approval be given to prevent motor vehicles from using the small area of carriageway at the southern end of the proposed landscaped area. (See appendix 3).



Constitution Of The Governing Body Of Kenmont Primary School pdf icon PDF 283 KB


Decision made by the Cabinet Member on: 31 October 2014


That the Instrument of Government for the governing body of Kenmont Primary School, as set out in Appendix 1 of this report, be made, coming into effect from the date of making.



Constitution Of The Governing Body Of Phoenix High School pdf icon PDF 284 KB


Decision made by the Cabinet Member on: 20 October 2014


That the Instrument of Government for the governing body of Phoenix High School, as set out in Appendix 1 of this report, be made, coming into effect from the date of making.



Constitution Of The Governing Body Of Sir John Lillie Primary School pdf icon PDF 283 KB


Decision made by the Cabinet Member on: 20 October 2014


That the Instrument of Government for the governing body of Sir John Lillie Primary School, as set out in Appendix 1 of this report, be made, coming into effect from the date of making.




Constitution Of The Governing Body Of Wendell Park Primary School pdf icon PDF 284 KB


Decision made by the Cabinet Member on: 18 November 2014


That the Instrument of Government for the governing body of Wendell Park Primary School, as set out in Appendix 1 of this report, be made, coming into effect from the date of making.


Semi-Independent Living Services For LAC And Care Leavers pdf icon PDF 392 KB

Additional documents:


Decision made by the Cabinet Members on: 17 November 2014


1.            That the Cabinet Member for Children and Education approves commissioners initiating a commissioning exercise to implement:

·                A block contract for the provision of SIL placements located in the borough.

·                A Framework Agreement for the commissioning of additional SIL placements via an open tendering procedure.


2.            That commissioners prepare a detailed report for approval by Cabinet on the implementation of a Framework Agreement for the procurement of additional SIL placements; and that prior approval to delegate award of the framework and subsequent call off from it, be given to the Cabinet Member for Children and Education in consultation with the Executive Director of Children’s Services.


3.            That the Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care approves that  commissioners undertake a mini-competition from the West London Alliance (WLA) Framework for Housing Related Support Services under LOT 6: Young People for the block contract and;


4.            That commissioners submit a further report on the outcome of the mini-competition for the Cabinet Member to decide if they wish to award a contract to the highest ranked provider from the mini-competition, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Children and Education.



Housing Estate Improvement Projects -Tender pdf icon PDF 172 KB


Decision made by the Cabinet Member on: 17 November 2014


1.      That approval be given to contract a suitably qualified and experienced organisation to provide a ‘landscaping and architectural’ service for a 5 year term commencing in April 2015.


2.      That the successful contractor be expected to provide added value through sourcing additional funding to supplement HRD’s annual budget for the improvement projects to mirror the existing arrangement with Groundwork.


3.      To note that the contract will be a term contract, reviewed annually with no guarantee that a budget will be available for any given year with fees payable to the contractor in the range of £15-25k per annum (to be funded from the overall budget envelope of £220k from which any programme of capital schemes are also payable).


Improvement of Eel Brook Common - Effie Road Entrance


Decision made by the Cabinet Member on: 11 November 2014


That the recommendations contained in the exempt report be approved.



Corporate Anti Fraud Service - Resourcing Proposal


Decision made by the Cabinet Member on: 30 October 2014


That the recommendation contained in the exempt report be approved.



Contract Award For A Bi-Borough Parking Management Information System


Decision made by the Cabinet Member on: 14 November 2014


That the recommendations contained in the exempt report be approved.




Supporting People Young People's Accommodation Contract Extensions


Decision made by the Cabinet Member on: 24 October 2014


That the recommendations contained in the exempt report be approved.



Cobbs Hall & Ash Lodge - Modernisation Of Existing Passenger


Decision made by the Cabinet Member on: 29 October 2014


That the recommendations contained in the exempt report be approved.



Lyric Theatre


Decision made by the Cabinet Member on: 22 October 2014


That the recommendations contained in the exempt report be approved.



Continuation Of School Meals Contract With Eden Foodservice Ltd


Decision made by the Cabinet Member on: 24 October 2014


That the recommendations contained in the exempt report be approved.



Employee Assistance Programme Contract (EAP)


Decision made by the Cabinet Member on: 11 November 2014


That the recommendations contained in the exempt report be approved.



Replacement Of The Communal Cold Water Storage Cisterns and The Removal Of The Redundant Communal Heating Boiler Plant


Decision made by the Cabinet Member on: 12 November 2014


That the recommendations contained in the exempt report be approved.