Agenda and decisions

Decisions made between September and October 2014, Cabinet Members' Decisions - Tuesday, 21st October, 2014

No. Item


Proposal To Submit A Bid To The Greater London Authority (GLA) For Housing Zone Resources For The White City Opportunity Area pdf icon PDF 241 KB

Additional documents:


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member on: 29 September 2014


1.     That approval be given to the submission of a bid to the GLA for £10m of Housing Zone resources, matched by £2.5m commuted sums from the Borough.


2.     That, in the event that the GLA wishes to support the Borough’s submission, and any agreement between the GLA and the Borough is reached, such an agreement will need to be the subject of a Cabinet Report in Winter 2014/15.



West London Mental Health And Employment LEP Pilot - National Trailblazer pdf icon PDF 230 KB

Additional documents:


Decision taken by the Cabinet Members on: 30 September 2014


That the Council give in principle support to the bid and authorise the Executive Director of Finance and Corporate Governance to provide confirmation that the necessary resources will be applied to the project.



Funding For Working From Anywhere Accelerated Projects pdf icon PDF 847 KB


Decision by taken by the Cabinet Member on: 5 October 2014


Part 1


1.      That the Cabinet Member for Finance (LBHF) approves:


i.    The release of £91,333 from the Efficiency Projects Reserve for completion of the Working from Anywhere Accelerated Projects; and


ii.    the governance structure as outlined in section 4 and Appendix C of this paper


2.      It is recommended that the Cabinet Member for Finance and Strategy at the RBKC approve:


i.      The release of £91,333 from the Transformation Reserves for completion of the Working from Anywhere Accelerated Projects; and

ii.     the governance as outlined in section 4 and Appendix C of this paper


3.      It is recommended that the Strategic Director for Housing, Regeneration and Property at WCC approve:


i.        The release of £91,333 from the Transformation Reserves for completion of the Working from Anywhere Accelerated Projects; and


ii.     the governance as outlined in section 4 and Appendix C of this paper


Part 2


4.     That Programme Definition be reconsidered for approval following the outcome of the Critical Friends Review as set out in para. 1.9 above.


Part 3


5.     That Option B is progressed (proceed with Accelerated Project work and defer Programme Definition work until the outcome of the Critical Friends Review is known).



Upgrade Of Parking Services' Call Centre System pdf icon PDF 169 KB


Decision by taken by the Cabinet Member on: 13 October 2014


That funding of £24,141 is approved for HFBP to upgrade the Parking Call Centre software from Speakeasy to Netcall 59R.


Appointment Of LA Governor - Fulham Primary School pdf icon PDF 154 KB


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member on: 23 September 2014


That the following LA Governor appointment be made:


·         That Councillor Alan De’Ath be appointed as LA Governor for Fulham Primary School for a four year term with effect from date of signature.



Appointment Of LA Governor - Greenside Primary School pdf icon PDF 153 KB


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member on: 23 September 2014


That the following LA Governor appointment be made:


·         That Ms Kamini Sanghani be appointed as LA Governor for Greenside Primary School for a four year term with effect from 10 October 2014.



Appointment Of LA Governor And Trustee - Burlington Danes Academy pdf icon PDF 153 KB


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member on: 23 September 2014


That the following LA Governor appointment be made:


·         That Mr William Hunter be appointed as LA Governor and Trustee for  Burlington Danes Academy for a four year term with effect from date of signature.


Appointment of LA Governor - Miles Coverdale Primary School pdf icon PDF 155 KB


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member on: 3 October 2014


That the following LA Governor appointment be made:


·         That Clare White be appointed as LA Governor for Miles Coverdale Primary School for a four year term with effect from date of signature.




Constitution Of The Governing Body Of John Betts Primary School pdf icon PDF 292 KB


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member on: 3 October 2014


That the Instrument of Government for the governing body of John Betts Primary School, as set out in Appendix 1 of this report, be made, coming into effect from the date of making.


Constitution Of The Governing Body Of Miles Coverdale Primary School pdf icon PDF 290 KB


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member on: 3 October 2014


That the Instrument of Government for the governing body of Miles Coverdale Primary School, as set out in Appendix 1 of this report, be made, coming into effect from the date of making.


Supporting People Older People's Housing Support Services Contract Extensions


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member on: 24 September 2014


That the recommendations contained in the exempt report be approved.


Award Of Contract For Service Development Plan


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member on: 15 October 2014


That the recommendations contained in the exempt report be approved.



The Supply And Installation Of Controlled Access System And CCTV At Cox House And Horton House London W6 8HN


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member on: 14 October 2014


That the recommendations contained in the exempt report be approved.



Bi-borough Parking Services Printing and Inserting Solution


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member on: 13 October 2014


That the recommendations contained in the exempt report be approved.