Agenda and decisions

Decisions made up to July 2014, Cabinet Members' Decisions - Wednesday, 9th July, 2014

No. Item


Contract Extensions For Two Supporting People Floating Support Contracts pdf icon PDF 244 KB


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member on: 24 June 2014


1.    That approval be given to a variation of the contractual terms in order to extend the contract period of the Family Mosaic Floating Support contract from 01/10/2014 to 31/01/15 (with a one month break clause) at a potential total cost of £207,413.


2.    That approval be given to a variation of the contractual terms in order to extend the contract period of the Thames Reach Floating Support contract from 01/10/2014 to 31/01/15 (with a one month break clause) at a total cost of £80,715.



Tri-Borough Procurement of Key ICT Services pdf icon PDF 177 KB


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member on: 3 July 2014


1.            That the approach for the ICT service provision procurement set out in section 6 be endorsed.


2.            That funding of a total of £186,000 consisting of £62,000 from each borough be approved to support the procurement process (the H&F funding will be met from the Efficiency Projects Reserve).



145 King Street, Ground Floor - Alterations to Provide New Meeting Room pdf icon PDF 209 KB


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member on: 28 June 2014


1.    That approval be given for the works to be procured via Amey Community Limited (ACL) in accordance with the approved Terms and Conditions of the Tri-Borough TFM contract.


2.    That approval be given to award the contract to ACL and their sub-contractor (Core Projects Limited) for works to create a new meeting room in the sum of £39,763.79, plus a 10% Contingency Sum of £3,976.00 and associated fees of £2,863.00, making a total cost for approval of £46,602.79.


Constitution of The Governing Body of Cambridge School pdf icon PDF 197 KB


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member on: 27 June 2014


That the Instrument of Government for the governing body of Cambridge School, as set out in Appendix 1 of this report, be made, coming into effect from the date of making.



Appointment of LA Governor - Flora Gardens Primary School pdf icon PDF 48 KB


Decision made by the Cabinet Member on: 1 July 2014


That the following LA Governor appointments be made:


That Councillor Michael Cartwright be appointed as LA Governor for Flora Gardens Primary School for a four year term with effect from date of signature.



Appointment of LA Governor - Brackenbury Primary School pdf icon PDF 50 KB


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member on: 7 July 2014


That the following LA Governor appointment be made:


That Mr Charles Napier be appointed as LA Governor for Brackenbury Primary School for a four year term with effect from date of signature.



Appointment of LA Governor - Kenmont Primary School pdf icon PDF 52 KB


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member on: 7 July 2014


That the following LA Governor appointment be made:


That Mr Zarar Qayyum be appointed as LA Governor for Kenmont Primary School for a four year term with effect from date of signature.



Appointment of LA Governor - Queen's Manor Primary School pdf icon PDF 51 KB


Decision made by the Cabinet Member on: 8 July 2014


That the following LA Governor appointment be made:


That Mr Frank Lukey be appointed as LA Governor for Queen’s Manor Primary School for a four year term with effect from date of signature.



Appointment of LA Governor - Wendell Park Primary School pdf icon PDF 51 KB


Decision made by the Cabinet Member on: 8 July 2014


That the following LA Governor appointment be made:


That Mr Julian Hillman be appointed as LA Governor for Wendell Park Primary School for a four year term with effect from date of signature.



King's Mall Car Park Redevelopment - Temporary Highway Works pdf icon PDF 140 KB


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member on: 7 April 2014


That approval is given for the Council to enter into a section 278 agreement with the developer to undertake the highway works necessary to allow the construction works to proceed based on one of the options discussed in paragraphs 5.1 - 5.3 of the report.


Supporting People Core And Cluster Contract Variations


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member on: 2 July 2014


That the recommendation contained in the exempt report be approved.



Contract Extension And Variation - Supporting People Market Lane Service For Rough Sleepers


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member on: 3 July 2014


That the recommendations contained in the exempt report be approved.