Agenda and decisions

Decisions made on 24 and 29 April 2014, Cabinet Members' Decisions - Thursday, 24th April, 2014

No. Item


Brook Green Tennis Court Improvements pdf icon PDF 156 KB


Decision made by the Cabinet Member on: 24 April 2014


That approval be given to provide the Friends of Brook Green a sum of £76,091.76 of S106 contributions available for improvements to Brook Green as required to refurbish the existing tennis courts as set out in paragraph 6.3 in this report.


Replacement Of Lateral Mains And Distribution Equipment At Barclay Close, Batman Close, Benbow Court, Brangwyn Court, Coleridge Court, Ethel Rankin Court, Melrose Gardens & Sulivan Court


Decision made by the Cabinet Member on: 29 April 2014


That the recommendations contained on the exempt report be approved.



Aspen Gardens, Down Place, London W6 9jd & Evans House, Baird House, Davis House And Hastings House (White City Estate) Australia Road W12 7PY - The Modernisation Of Existing Passenger Lifts


Decision made by the Cabinet Member on: 29 April 2014


That the recommendations contained on the exempt report be approved.



Sulivan Court Housing Estate - Blocks M (153-172), J (316-351) And L (372-443), Peterborough Road, London, SW6 - The Modernisation Of Existing Passenger Lifts


Decision made by the Cabinet Member on: 29 April 2014


That the recommendations contained on the exempt report be approved.



Planned Maintenance Works Including External Repair And Redecorations To White City Estate Blocks - Ellenborough House, Lawrence Close And Mackenzie Close, Together With Secondary Glazing Replacement At Calvert House, White City Estate, London, W12


Decision made by the Cabinet Member on: 29 April 2014


That the recommendations contained on the exempt report be approved.