Agenda and decisions

Decision Published on 16 March 2015, Cabinet Members' Decisions - Monday, 16th March, 2015

No. Item


Controlled Parking Zone N Consultation Results pdf icon PDF 737 KB

Additional documents:


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member on: 16 March 2015


1.1.      Based on the results of the consultation and feedback received in the additional comments section of the questionnaire, it is recommended that the existing controls in Controlled Parking Zone N are maintained at Monday to Friday, 9am – to 5pm.


1.2.      A number of responses were received from a cluster of streets in the east of Controlled Parking Zone N (Wood Lane, Caverswall Street, Eynham Road, Glenroy Street, Nascot Street, North Pole Road and Shinfield Street) who would like a maximum stay period introduced for pay and display customers, controls to operate on a weekend and the introduction of permit holder only priority hours to prohibit pay & display parking during certain times of the day or week. Given that there is no overall consensus of support within this area, and the number of responses for and against these options was very close and the number of residents who responded was low 59 (17%), it is recommended that the existing controls are maintained in this area, However, it is recommended that if residents presented the Council with a clear indication of the controls which would be supported in this area, for example, a petition signed by a minimum of 85 (25%) residents in the area, then the Council should re-consult this area again on that specific proposal.


1.3.      Feedback from the consultation also showed that residents would support the introduction of an Electric Vehicle (EV) charging bay. It is recommended that as part of the 2015/16 parking project programme that Du Cane Road is considered as suitable location to pilot an Electric Vehicle bay.