Agenda and draft minutes

Overview & Scrutiny Board - Tuesday, 28th January, 2014 7.00 pm

Venue: Courtyard Room - Hammersmith Town Hall

Contact: Craig Bowdery  (Tel: 020 8753 2278)

No. Item


Minutes and Actions pdf icon PDF 96 KB

a)         To approve as an accurate record, and the Chairman to sign the

minutes of the meeting held on 26th November 2013

b)         To monitor the acceptance and implementation of recommendations and actions as presented in appendix 1


Additional documents:



i)          That the minutes of the meeting held on 26th November 2013 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.

ii)         That the acceptance and implementation of recommendations and actions presented in appendix 1 be noted.



Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs PJ Murphy and Harry Phibbs.



Declarations of Interest

If a Councillor has a disclosable pecuniary interest in a particular item, whether or not it is entered in the Authority’s register of interests, or any other significant interest which they consider should be declared in the public interest, they should declare the existence and, unless it is a sensitive interest as defined in the Member Code of Conduct, the nature of the interest at the commencement of the consideration of that item or as soon as it becomes apparent.


At meetings where members of the public are allowed to be in attendance and speak, any Councillor with a disclosable pecuniary interest or other significant interest may also make representations, give evidence or answer questions about the matter.  The Councillor must then withdraw immediately from the meeting before the matter is discussed and any vote taken.


Where Members of the public are not allowed to be in attendance and speak, then the Councillor with a disclosable pecuniary interest should withdraw from the meeting whilst the matter is under consideration. Councillors who have declared other significant interests should also withdraw from the meeting if they consider their continued participation in the matter would not be reasonable in the circumstances and may give rise to a perception of a conflict of interest.


Councillors are not obliged to withdraw from the meeting where a dispensation to that effect has been obtained from the Audit, Pensions and Standards Committee.



There were no declarations of interest.



The revenue Budget 2014/15 pdf icon PDF 106 KB

To receive a report from the Executive Director of Finance & Corporate Services updating the Board on how savings targets have been met and on proposed Budget growth and savings


Additional documents:


The Board received a report and presentation from the Executive Director for Finance and Corporate Governance outlining the proposed Budget for 2014/15 and the savings targets that had been met in 2013/14. Noting the £357,000 of savings achieved by the revaluation of the pension fund, members asked whether this was a one-off saving. Officers explained that this was ongoing and there would be a £357,000 saving for each of the next three years. It was also noted that the Council’s pension fund was in the upper quartile for returns on investments, but not for the level of contributions.


The Board noted the requirement that the Council consult with Non Domestic Ratepayers on the budget proposals, despite the consultation not being allowed to relate to Business Rates. Officers confirmed that responses to the consultation were extremely rare and any responses were unlikely to impact on the budget proposals. The Board agreed therefore that the requirement to consult Non Domestic Ratepayers was an unnecessary burden on councils and that officers should write to the DCLG on behalf of the Board to request that it be repealed.

Action: Jane West



That the report be noted.





Update on sickness absence management pdf icon PDF 98 KB

To receive a report from the Bi-Borough Director of Human Resources updating the Board on the latest figures for sickness absence for the Council and the detailed actions being taken to reduce absence across the workplace


The Board received a report from the Bi-Borough Director of Human Resources presenting figures on sickness absence across the Council, and the measures being taken to reduce absence. Members noted that the levels of sickness absence were lower than they have been before due to a management action taken. It was also reported that following an earlier suggestion by the Board, it had been decided that variable departmental sickness targets would not be beneficial as corporate levels were already lower than private sector levels.


The Board congratulated officers on the progress made, and discussed the best approach for further improvements. It was suggested that greater use of the ‘stick’ of lower targets might be counter-productive  as compared to the ‘carrot’ of recognising achievement and offering incentives. The Leader agreed that the balance between carrot and stick needed to be struck, and that in the past the Council had focussed too much on the stick.


Some members maintained that variable departmental targets were needed to address issues in departments with higher levels of absence and to reflect the different nature of the work undertaken. Officers explained that given that the sickness levels were so low and the wide-scale organisational change underway, variable targets were unlikely to achieve anything. It was also reported that for departments with higher than average sickness levels, HR provided targeted support to identify and address any underlying issues.



That the Board congratulates officers on the achievements reducing levels of sickness absence and notes the report.



Individual Electoral Registration pdf icon PDF 83 KB

To receive a report from the Electoral Services Manager updating the Board on the reasons and process for the introduction of Individual Electoral Registration



The Board received a report from the Bi-Borough Director of Law on the introduction of Individual Electoral Registration system.


Members noted that it was proposed that anyone who did not respond to invitations to register by December 2015 would be removed from the electoral register, and asked whether it was known how many were likely to be affected. Similarly it was asked if there was a chance that with fewer electors registered, Government grants based on population could be affected. Officers undertook to provide estimates of how many people would be affected and explained that the electoral register would be brought up to a high level of accuracy using data-matching tools to avoid any risk of impact on grants.

Action: Tasnim Shawkat


The Board noted that additional resources were required to implement the new system and to carry out data matching exercises, and questioned the efficiency gain of the new system. Officers agreed that it would be a challenge to implement and that in the short-term the current system was likely to prove to be more efficient. However over time as the data became more reliable and data matching was more accurate, costs would decrease.



That the report be noted and that a further update be provided following publication of the revised register in December 2014.



High level Revenue Budget monitoring report, quarter 2 2013/14 pdf icon PDF 114 KB

To receive a report from the Executive Director of Finance and Corporate Services presenting the Revenue Monitoring position at the end of quarter 2 of 2013/14 (September 2013)



The Board received a report from the Executive Director of Finance & Corporate Governance presenting the 2013/14 quarter 2 report for high level revenue budget.


Members highlighted a £70,000 overspend as a result of issues with the Hammersmith All Weather Pitch and asked for further details. Officers explained that the pitch was to generate income but due to delays with the planning process the pitch was not yet open or generating this income.



That the report be noted.



High Level Capital Budget Monitoring Report, quarter 2 2013/14 pdf icon PDF 331 KB

To receive a report from the Executive Director of Finance and Corporate Services presenting the Capital Budget Monitoring position at the end of quarter 2 of 2013/14 (September 2013)



The Executive Director for Finance & Corporate Governance presented a report on the 2013/14 quarter 2 high level capital budget monitoring.


Noting the potential for the Council to breach its VAT Partial Exemption threshold, members asked if this was the result of a structural problem. Officers assured the Board that this was not judged to be a significant structural problem and that it largely related to slippage in complex projects such as the Lyric project and an optimism bias. Any breach of the threshold would not have an impact on service delivery.


Members questioned the data in appendix 1 and asked why the £15,717,000 in quarter 1 of 2013/14 for ‘Capital expenditure financed from the Housing Revenue Account’ was not included for quarter 2, and why £12,217,000 for ‘Capital expenditure financed by the Major Repairs Reserve / Major Repairs Allowance’ was in quarter 2 but significantly less was budgeted for in quarter 1. Officers undertook to provide a written explanation of the housing budget.

Action: Jane West


The Board acknowledged the VAT risks and implications of breaching the Partial Exemption threshold and asked how big the risk of breaching was. Officers explained that it was a very real risk and that whilst action had been taken to mitigate the risk, the Council remained close to the limit. Officers were monitoring the situation monthly and the Council had in some instances opted to tax voluntarily to reduce its exemption level. It was highlighted that it was a growing national issue as the old rules on VAT did not fit the way modern councils worked. It was agreed that officers should raise the issue with Tri-Borough colleagues to agree a consensus on how to proceed, with lobbying Ministers and discussions with HMRC colleagues to be considered.



That the report be noted.



Select Committee Reports

To consider the reports from the Select Committees (to follow):

(a)   Education and Children’s Services

(b)   Transport, Environment and Residents Services

(c)   Housing, Health and Adult Social Care


The reports from the three Select Committees were noted.



Work Programme pdf icon PDF 29 KB

The Committee’s work programme for the current municipal year is set

out as Appendix 1 to this report. The list of items has been drawn up in

consultation with the Chairman, having regard to relevant items within

the Forward Plan and actions and suggestions arising from previous

meetings of the Committee.


The Committee is requested to consider the items within the proposed

work programme and suggest any amendments or additional topics to

be included in the future. Members might also like to consider whether it

would be appropriate to invite residents, service users, partners or other

relevant stakeholders to give evidence to the Committee in respect of

any of the proposed reports.


Attached as Appendix 2 to this report is a copy of the Forward Plan

items showing the decisions to be taken by the Executive at the

Cabinet, including Key Decisions within the portfolio areas of the

Leader and Cabinet Member for Strategy, which will be open to scrutiny by this Committee.

Additional documents:



That the Work Programme for the remainder of 2013/14 be approved.



Dates of Next Meetings

The dates of the remaining meetings scheduled for this municipal year

are as follows:

?       4th March 2014

?       8th April 2014




The dates of future meetings were agreed as:

·         4th March 2014

·         8th April 2014