Agenda and minutes

Planning and Development Control Committee - Wednesday, 8th June, 2016 7.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 1 - Hammersmith Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Katia Richardson, Committee Cordinator  (Tel: 020 8753 2368)

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 203 KB

To approve as an accurate record, and the Chair to sign, the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on10 May 2016.




The minutes of the meeting of the Planning and Development Control Committee held on 10 May 2016 be confirmed and signed as an accurate record of the proceedings.



Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Robert Largan and Viya Nsumbu. Apologies for lateness were received from Councillor Wesley Harcourt.



Declaration of Interests

If a Councillor has a disclosable pecuniary interest in a particular item, whether or not it is entered in the Authority’s register of interests, or any other significant interest which they consider should be declared in the public interest, they should declare the existence and, unless it is a sensitive interest as defined in the Member Code of Conduct, the nature of the interest at the commencement of the consideration of that item or as soon as it becomes apparent.


At meetings where members of the public are allowed to be in attendance and speak, any Councillor with a disclosable pecuniary interest or other significant interest may also make representations, give evidence or answer questions about the matter.  The Councillor must then withdraw immediately from the meeting before the matter is discussed and any vote taken.


Where Members of the public are not allowed to be in attendance and speak, then the Councillor with a disclosable pecuniary interest should withdraw from the meeting whilst the matter is under consideration. Councillors who have declared other significant interests should also withdraw from the meeting if they consider their continued participation in the matter would not be reasonable in the circumstances and may give rise to a perception of a conflict of interest.


Councillors are not obliged to withdraw from the meeting where a dispensation to that effect has been obtained from the Audit, Pensions and Standards Committee. 


Councillor Alex Karmel declared a significant interest in respect of 20 Delaford Street, SW6 7LT, Fulham Broadway 2016/00726/FUL,  as he knew one of the objectors and had connections to the neighbouring Sir John Lillie School. He considered that this did not give rise to a perception of a conflict of interests and, in the circumstances it would be reasonable to participate in the discussion and vote thereon.




The Committee is asked to note its membership as agreed at the Annual Meeting of the Council held on 18 May 2016.



The Committee noted its membership as agreed at the Annual Meeting of the Council held on 18 May 2016.


The Chair noted a misprint on the membership printed on the front page of the agenda. It still listed Councillor Elaine Chumnery as a Committee Member instead of the newly appointed Member, Councillor Wesley Harcourt.


The Committee welcomed Councillor Harcourt and thanked Councillor Chumnery for her work at the Committee.



Planning Applications pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Please note that the page numbers referred to in the above planning applications report correspond to the pages appearing in the full agenda reports pack only (the link to this pack is on the top of this page).


67 - 69 Aspenlea Road, W6 8LH, Fulham Reach 2015/05807/FUL


Please see the Addendum attached to the minutes for further details.


The Committee voted on planning application 2015/05807/FULand unanimously decided not to agree the Officer’s recommendation to approve the application. It was then proposed by Councillor Connell and duly seconded that the proposal be refused on the following grounds:


(i)          Inadequacy of the amenity space, particularly at basement level;

(ii)        The over density of the site;

(iii)       Risk of flooding to the basement level;

(iv)       Inadequacy of refuse storage;

(v)        Inadequacy of lighting to the bedrooms in the basement flat; 

(vi)       Impact on the amenities spaces on neighbouring properties; and

(vii)      Inadequate design of the elevation, scale and massing.


The Committee decided unanimously to agree these reasons for refusal.     





Planning Application 2015/05807/FULbe refused on the following grounds:


(i)            Inadequacy of the amenity space, particularly at basement level;

(ii)        The over density of the site;

(iii)       Risk of flooding to the basement level;

(iv)       Inadequacy of refuse storage;

(v)        Inadequacy of lighting to the bedrooms in the basement flat; 

(vi)       Impact on the amenities spaces on neighbouring properties; and

(vii)      Inadequate design of the elevation, scale and massing.




Filmer Road Studios, 75 Filmer Road, SW6 7JF, Town 2016/00292/FUL


Please see the Addendum attached to the minutes for further details.


The Committee heard representations in support of the application from the agent. Some of the points he raised included the high quality of the design, the inclusion of amenity spaces, large garages, bikes storages, good public transport connectivity,  the contribution to the conservation area and the continuation of the site for residential use. He added that the Ward Councillor Greg Smith supported the scheme.




That application 2016/00292/FUL be approved subject to the conditions set out in the report and Addendum.



20 Delaford Street, SW6 7LT, Fulham Broadway 2016/00726/FUL


Councillor Alex Karmel declared a significant interest in respect of the application,  as he knew one of the objectors and had connections to the neighbouring Sir John Lillie School. He considered that this did not give rise to a perception of a conflict of interests and, in the circumstances it would be reasonable to participate in the discussion and vote thereon.


The Committee heard representations against the application from a local resident speaking on behalf of other local residents. He listed a number of concerns including overdevelopment, saturation of flats in the area, inadequate refuse collection and storage, increase in parking stress, potential for flooding and the layout not suitable for a family.


The Planning Officer read a Statement in support of the application on behalf of the applicant stating that this new application had addressed the reasons for refusal of application 2015/03106/FUL as well as addressed some of the concerns of some local residents by reducing the number of flats from 3 to 2.


The Committee heard representations against the application from Councillor Ben Coleman, Ward Councillor for Fulham Broadway.


Councillor Cassidy proposed, seconded by Councillor Aherne, an additional condition to remove the right to use this development for a small scale house in multiple occupation without planning permission. The Committee agreed to this condition and asked officers to draft the condition as appropriate, if the application was to be approved.


The Committee voted on planning application 2016/00726/FUL and the results were as follows:

For:                 1

Against:         7

Not Voting:    0


The Committee therefore decided not to agree the Officer’s recommendation to approve the application. It was then proposed by Councillor Connell and duly seconded that the proposal be refused on the following grounds:


(i)          Inadequacy of refuse storage, cycle storage and emergency egress; and

(ii)        Poor lighting and ventilation to basement floor level.


The Committee decided unanimously to agree these reasons for refusal.     




Planning Application 2016/00726/FUL be refused on the following grounds:


(i)          Inadequacy of refuse storage, cycle storage and emergency egress; and

(ii)        Poor lighting and ventilation to basement floor level.


The meeting was adjourned at the request of the Chair, between 20.45 and 20.50, for a comfort break.


Gas Holder Station, Michael Road, Sands End 2015/02559/HAZ




That the Head of Legal Services be authorised to make an Order to be confirmed by the Secretary of State in accordance with the procedures set out under S.14(2) of The Planning (Hazardous Substances) Act 1990 to revoke the Hazardous Substance Consent no. RN/1993/8131/P granted 18 November 1992 and subsequent continuation consents.





White City One Media Village, Wood Lane, W12, College Park And Old Oak 2015/05922/FUL & 2016/00420/FUL


The above two applications were considered together.


Please see the Addendum attached to the minutes for further details.


An additional condition was proposed by Councillor Karmel, seconded by Councillor Aherne, to ensure that residents’ television signals would not be affected by the development during the construction process and in perpetuity. The Committee agreed to this condition and asked officers to draft the condition as appropriate, if the application was to be approved.




That the Executive Director of Transport and Technical Services be authorised to determine application 2015/05922/FUL and 2016/00420/FUL and grant permission up-on the completion of a satisfactory legal agreement and subject to the following:


·         The conditions set out in the reports;

·         The conditions set out in the Addendum for application 2015/05922/FUL; and

·         An additional condition be included to ensure that residents’ television signals would not be affected by the development during the construction process and in perpetuity.


(Councillors Lucy Ivimy and Colin Aherne were not present for the voting on this item).



Former BBC Television Centre, Wood Lane, W12, Shepherd's Bush Green 2016/01373/VAR


Please see the Addendum attached to the minutes for further details.


The Committee voted on application 2016/01373/VARand the results were as follows:

For:                 5

Against:         1

Not Voting:    1




That the Executive Director of Transport and Technical Services be authorised to determine application 2016/01373/VAR and grant permission up on the completion of a satisfactory legal agreement and subject to the conditions set out in the report and Addendum.


(Councillor Lucy Ivimy was not present for this item).


Addendum pdf icon PDF 76 KB