6 Revenue Budget Review 2024/25 - Month 6 (September 2024) PDF 584 KB
1. To note the General Fund financial forecast variance at Month 6 and mitigating actions to reduce the overspend forecast variance position (Table 1 and Appendix 1).
2. To note progress on delivering the 2024/25 agreed budget savings (Appendix 3)
3. To note the HRA forecast (paragraph section 13 to 15 and Appendix 2).
4. To approve the proposed budget allocations from s106 funding (Appendix 5).
5. To note and approve the budget movements (Appendix 4).
Councillor Rowan Ree, Cabinet Member for Finance and Reform, introduced the review of the 2024 2025 Revenue budget looking at the budget as of month six. The report asked to note any variances and movements.
In response to a question from Councillor Alford, Councillor Ree assured that the HRA budget was going to balance. He was pleased to note that they had been able to eliminate the structural deficits in the HRA.
1. To note the General Fund financial forecast variance at Month 6 and mitigating actions to reduce the overspend forecast variance position (Table 1 and Appendix 1).
2. To note progress on delivering the 2024/25 agreed budget savings (Appendix 3)
3. To note the HRA forecast (paragraph section 13 to 15 and Appendix 2).
4. To approve the proposed budget allocations from s106 funding (Appendix 5).
5. To note and approve the budget movements (Appendix 4).