7 Capital Programme Monitor & Budget Variations, 2024/25 (First Quarter) PDF 522 KB
- To note the overall
forecast of £294.1m for 2024/25 capital expenditure which is
a net decrease of £17.8m in comparison to the revised budget
of £311.9m at 2023/24 outturn.
- To approve the
updated four-year capital programme for 2024-2028 of £639.1m,
as detailed in Appendix 1. This is a net increase of £62.7m
in comparison to the four-year programme of £576.4m approved
at Full Council in February 2024.
- To approve an
additional budget envelope of £8.68m for various General Fund
capital schemes, funded from external grants and contributions
(£8.375m), capital receipts (£0.257m) and revenue
contributions (£0.048m), as detailed in paragraph 3 of the
- To note the
prudential indicators presented in Appendix 4, as per Prudential
Code requirements.
Councillor Rowan Ree introduced
the report setting out the details of the forecast capital
programme for the financial year 2024/25 and the future
Councillor Victoria
Brocklebank-Fowler asked the reason that the capital spent on
Hammersmith Bridge was so much lower than the capital spent on the
Civic Campus.
The Leader explained that
Hammersmith Bridge had 70 years of untreated rot and severe
structural problems. They would need £250 million to fix it
to be able to open the bridge to cars. This Council had already
spent more money than any other local authority had spent in any
bridge. The Council was continuously working to find a solution to
get the bridge open.
- To note the overall
forecast of £294.1m for 2024/25 capital expenditure which is
a net decrease of £17.8m in comparison to the revised budget
of £311.9m at 2023/24 outturn.
- To approve the
updated four-year capital programme for 2024-2028 of £639.1m,
as detailed in Appendix 1. This is a net increase of £62.7m
in comparison to the four-year programme of £576.4m approved
at Full Council in February 2024.
- To approve an
additional budget envelope of £8.68m for various General Fund
capital schemes, funded from external grants and contributions
(£8.375m), capital receipts (£0.257m) and revenue
contributions (£0.048m), as detailed in paragraph 3 of the
- To note the
prudential indicators presented in Appendix 4, as per Prudential
Code requirements.