Issue - meetings

Parking Strategy

Meeting: 04/03/2024 - Cabinet (Item 8)

8 Parking Strategy pdf icon PDF 342 KB


§  To approve the parking related initiatives set out as follows:


§  Business Visitor Parking Permit – section 1

§  Motorcycle Parking Permit – section 2

§  All day Trader Parking Permit – section 3

§  Cycle Hub Permit – section 4

§  EV charging for residents – section 5

§  Prescribed loading and places – section 6


§  To delegate the implementation of those initiatives to the Strategic Director of Environment, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Public Realm.



Cabinet received one valid deputation for this item. With the Leader’s permission Natalie Lindsay, the representative, was permitted to address Cabinet for 5 minutes. The main points highlighted were:


·         She said cars contributed to air pollution, poor health in the population, and climate change - and were dangerous to other users of the public realm.

·         She noted that the Council applied public space storage principals for the cycle storage hubs, but not for all vehicles. Parking a bicycle was 6 times more expensive than parking a SUV.

·         She believed targeting new charges at the heaviest-emitting vehicles would be the most effective and equitable policy approach.

·         She urged the Council to implement a radical emissions-based charging model on top of a fully comprehensive space allocation payment schedule.





§  To approve the parking related initiatives set out as follows:


§  Business Visitor Parking Permit – section 1

§  Motorcycle Parking Permit – section 2

§  All day Trader Parking Permit – section 3

§  Cycle Hub Permit – section 4

§  EV charging for residents – section 5

§  Prescribed loading and places – section 6


§  To delegate the implementation of those initiatives to the Strategic Director of Environment, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Public Realm.