Issue - meetings

Temporary Relocation of Flora Gardens Primary School

Meeting: 04/12/2023 - Cabinet (Item 5)

5 The Temporary Relocation of Flora Gardens Primary School pdf icon PDF 532 KB


1.    To approve the temporary relocation of Flora Gardens Primary School to the Lena Gardens site, following refurbishment of Lena Gardens.


2.    To approve £200,000 S106 contributions  to fund  relocation costs associated with the  disruption as a result of the temporary move of Flora Gardens Primary School to the Lena Gardens Site.



Councillor Bora Kwon declared a non-pecuniary interest as a Governor at Flora Gardens Primary School. She considered that this did not give rise to a perception of a conflict of interests and, in the circumstances it would be reasonable to participate in the discussion and vote thereon.


Councillor Alex Sanderson stated that the Council was committed to give young people the very best start in life so that they could learn and grow in the right environment that was conducive to learning. This paper was seeking approval for the temporary relocation of Flora Gardens Primary School to the Lena Gardens site following its refurbishment, and fund the allocation and support cost to assist Flora Gardens with the temporary move to the Lena Gardens site.


Councillor Karmel asked how long would the decant last and the relocation take place.


Councillor Sanderson replied that they were hoping that the Lena Gardens site would be ready for the students by the following summer holidays. This was only a temporary relocation.


Councillor Andrew Jones added that they were still looking for options for the redevelopment of the school in the long term, but this report only related to moving the school out of unsuitable accommodation.


The Leader reiterated that this paper was only requesting approval for the temporary relocation of Flora Gardens Primary School and further reports would come back for approval setting up the exact timeline and next steps. A procurement process would also need to be carried out. Further plans were being developed and would go to the Policy and Accountability Committees.


Councillor Karmel stated that the relocation was likely to impact on the children’s education and it would be useful to know the timescale. He asked for an assurance that extra support would be provided to the pupils to minimise the impact.


The Leader assured that the Council not only prioritised children and education but had also added extra services, such as offering free school breakfast and lunch, and was fortunate to have great teachers. They were determined that no child would fall behind with their education and had a school that was fit for purpose. He added that the school had asked for the refurbishment, and the Council was working with them to find the best possible standards for children and to minimise disruption.





1.    To approve the temporary relocation of Flora Gardens Primary School to the Lena Gardens site, following refurbishment of Lena Gardens.


2.    To approve £200,000 S106 contributions  to fund  relocation costs associated with the  disruption as a result of the temporary move of Flora Gardens Primary School to the Lena Gardens Site.