8 Care Experienced Status as a Protected Characteristic PDF 230 KB
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Cabinet is asked to:
Agree to recognise ‘Care Experienced’ as a Protected Characteristic by the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham.
Councillor Alex Sanderson introduced the report requesting to agree that ‘Care Experienced’ be recognised as a protected characteristic by the Council. This demonstrated the Council’s commitment as a Corporate Parent to ending the disparity and inequality faced by care experienced young people by going beyond the statutory requirements and ensuring that the needs of care experienced young people were at the heart of all decision-making alongside other groups who formally share a Protected Characteristic.
Care experienced people faced significant barriers that impacted them throughout their lives, often facing discrimination and stigma across housing, health, education, relationships, employment and in the criminal justice system.
The Leader added that by recognising and making allowances for this by making care experience a protected characteristic would positively impact on care experienced young people and support them to become thriving adults.
Cabinet is asked to:
Agree to recognise ‘Care Experienced’ as a Protected Characteristic by the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham.