Issue - meetings

H&F Buildings report

Meeting: 07/02/2011 - Cabinet (Item 15)

15 H&F Buildings consultation report pdf icon PDF 263 KB

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In order to ensure the smooth running of the meeting, the Leader announced that as well as allowing the petition and deputation speakers, he would take some questions from the floor.  Members would discuss both the H&F Buildings Consultation and Sands End Community Centre reports together but take separate votes at the end of the debate.


The Cabinet received a petition and three deputation requests from:


Mr. John Gordon-Smith (Petition - Village Hall),

Ms. Anna Du Boisson (Deputation - Village Hall),

Ms. Hilda McCafferty (Deputation - Irish Centre), and

Mr. Nicholas Waldemar-Brown (Deputation - Sands End Community Centre).


Mr John Gordon-Smith addressed the Committee stating that the Village Hall which accommodates a wide range of groups and services was accessible to all service users.  The uptake of the services since the opening of Westfield had increased.  The hall did not require high maintenance as it had been recently refurbished.  It would be prohibitive for the groups to run without the use of the hall.


Mrs Anna Du Boisson challenged the proposed decision to close and dispose of the Village Hall.  She stated that the Village Hall was essential in providing dance classes, rehearsals and scholarships for 720 children.  Both the Young Dancers Academy and West London Dance School used the hall on a daily basis.  She noted that the user groups were self funding and the building was in a good state of repair.  Therefore the Council did not require to invest in the up keep of the building.  If the hall were disposed of, there were no alternative venues within the area suitable for the dance groups to use.  She stated that her charity would offer to take responsibility for the maintenance, upkeep and running cost of the hall for the benefit of the community.  She implored Cabinet to save the hall by renting it to the community or giving the groups the opportunity to buy the building.


Mrs Hilda McCafferty requested Cabinet not to revoke its decision made in January 2009 to extend the Irish Cultural Centre lease and to reconsider the proposal to extend the lease to 2017.  It would be very difficult to re-provide a community building such as the Irish Cultural Centre once it is lost to a commercial or residential use.  She implored members to give the Centre’s board more time, beyond March 2012, to raise funds once a valuation had been agreed if the Council decided to proceed with a sale.  The reputation of the Council had been enhanced as the Centre was a Centre of Excellence for education and cultural activities.  She was of the view that if the Centre were to be disposed of the good relationship built over the years between Britain and Ireland could be damaged.


Mr. Nicholas Waldemar-Brown spoke on behalf of Sand End Community Centre and Library Action Group.  He noted that the centre served the local community through Sure Start for young families, a gym, and adult education classes with  high grade pottery  ...  view the full minutes text for item 15