Issue - meetings

Children's Centres

Meeting: 18/04/2011 - Cabinet (Item 5)

5 Reconfiguration of Sure Start Children's Centres Network pdf icon PDF 809 KB

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Cabinet noted that the item had earlier been extensively discussed during the consideration of the Petition.  The following minor amendments to the report were noted:-


Page 57 - Wendell Park Family Centre will be a satellite.

Page 57 - Masbro Children’s Centre will receive £300,000 not £300.

Page 58 - Bishops Palace will be a spoke affiliated with Fulham Central.


Councillors Cowan, Vaughan, Murphy and Cartwright questioned the Cabinet and made some observation during the debate.  They noted that some external organisations might not take on responsibility of managing some Centres because of the funding level and sought clarification on how much was in the bidding pot and how the Development Coordinator would sufficiently support each Centre.


The Cabinet Member responded that other providers have approached the Council to run some Centres with the current level of funding.  The Centres are expected to provide a minimum offer of two services a week and work with other providers such as midwives and health visitors in order to deliver a fuller timetable of suitable activities as well as fundraise from other sources.  Centres will not be solely dependent on £19,000 of public money.  A commissioning pot of £133,000 was available from which spokes and satellites can bid for additional funding to develop their programme and become more self sustaining.  The Development Coordinator will assist spoke and satellite centres in coordinating a range of services from different agencies such as midwifery, health visitors, adult education, Job Centre Plus, as well as voluntary sector and parent led activities, such as Little Crickets at Cathnor park.  The role will also help to develop new business models in order to generate additional income and fundraising.


Andrew Christie, Director of Children’s Services, in response to questions stated that the Council has 7,100 registered users and 6,000 other social care service.   The level of participation by service users ranges widely from centre to centre.  There is a need to make sure the budget is most effectively used. The objective is to ensure that all children’s needs are met at an early stage.


In conclusion, Councillor Binmore stated that the Family Support Programme will help vulnerable families before they reach crisis point and will prevent children coming into care.  The proposals will result in the most coherent early intervention and prevention strategy the Council has ever had.




1.       That the commissioning of 16 Children’s Centres, as outlined in sections 53 to 58 of the report and attached as an appendix to these minutes for the period of the funding (i.e. until March 2013), be agreed. 


2.       That authority be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, in consultation with the Director of Children’s Services and the Director of Finance and Corporate Services of £133,000 for spot purchasing of additional services to support the new configuration of Children’s Centres across the borough to ensure the delivery of appropriate services.


3.       That the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services in consultation with the Director of Children’s Services and the Director  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5