Issue - meetings

Hartopp & Lannoy Development – Construction of New Affordable Homes in Fulham

Meeting: 06/06/2022 - Cabinet (Item 5)

5 Hartopp & Lannoy Development - Construction of New Affordable Homes in Fulham pdf icon PDF 481 KB

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Councillor Andrew Jones introduced the report seeking approval of a procurement strategy to procure a principal construction contractor and other recommendations critical to enable the successful delivery of the construction phase of the development.


Councillor Adronie Alford stated that there had been some problems with the dates given to councillors at the beginning of the consultation process, but that had improved. However, she expressed concerns for residents of Chasemore House, a building located in the centre of the development. She stated that residents were feeling isolated and neglected and this report did not mention any steps to be taken to mitigate their situation. Councillor Alford asked for reassurance of some constructive and proactive work on their behalf.


Councillor Jones acknowledged that there had been some problems initially with the consultation, but the vast majority of residents were happy with the consultation process.  He stated that he would discuss with Councillor Frances Umeh, the Cabinet Member for Housing and Homelessness, the issues faced by the residents of Chasemore House. This would be addressed at the development stage after the appointment of the contractor.


The Leader stressed that under no circumstances the residents of Chasemore House would be forgotten and they would be focused during the development stage.


Councillor Wesley Harcourt stated that the proposals for the Hartopp and Lannoy site would target operational net zero for the new development and would aim to promote the climate emergency via a variety of different methods measured using the council’s sustainability tool kit. Through-out the design process the project team had designed clear ways in which to insulate buildings and use recyclable material where possible.





That the Cabinet:


1.    Approves that Appendix 6 is not for publication on the basis that it contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) as set out in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).


2.    Approves the Procurement Strategy, as set out in Appendix 1, to procure a construction contractor on a design and build basis for the Development.


3.    Endorses the Planning Application that has been submitted for the Site.


4.    Delegates authority to the Strategic Head of Regeneration & Development, in consultation with the Director of Finance, to take any necessary steps to resolve matters arising from the grant of planning permission referenced in Recommendation [3], including the authority to enter into any associated legal agreements arising from the delivery of the development and enabling deeds and agreements with statutory utility providers and third parties including the surrender and re-grant of a lease on existing sub-station, the granting of a new lease and any necessary appropriation of land which is surplus to requirements to expediate and secure the best use of the land.


5.    Delegates authority to the Strategic Director for the Economy, inconsultation with the Director of Resources, to progress the appropriation of the Site for planning purposes and the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5