8 Flood Risk Mitigation Programme PDF 314 KB
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Councillor Wesley Harcourt reported that In the summer of 2021, the borough was hit by a storm that caused over 300 properties to flood causing incredible hardship for many of the residents. This report proposed flood mitigation measures do deal with future storm which were likely to become more frequent due to climate change. The Council had also appointed a Flood Mitigation Czar, led by Councillor Helen Rowbottom and had a meeting with Thames Water recently where a number of key actions were agreed. Each individual project would be subject to further approval.
The Leader added that he Chaired the meeting with Thames Water, attended by residents affected by the flood. They had since managed to get Thames Water to agree a series of key action and appointed a Flood Mitigation Czar and were making some progress. It was also critical to discuss the insurance issues in a future meeting as many people were not able to get insurance for having homes in a flood plain.
1. That detailed proposals for the flood mitigation measures described in the report be developed.
2. That subject to funding being secured, the progression and implementation of the flood mitigation measures are delegated to the Strategic Director of Environment in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment.