5 Parks Commission report and recommendations PDF 296 KB
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Councillor Sharon Holder stated that this was the final report and recommendations of the resident-led Parks Commission. The commission launched in January 2020, chaired by Timothy Prager, proposed excellent recommendations following a year of extensive engagement with council officers, residents, and stakeholders.
Timothy Prager, Chair of the resident-led Parks Commission, summarised the report virtually.
The Leader added that moving forward, this report would be developed by the Cabinet Member and the Policy and Accountability Committee. The recommendations would be approved and implemented following a democratic debate and the governance process.
The Leader thanked all commissioners, including Rosemary Mortimer and Judy Hargadon, who were present at the Cabinet meeting, for their excellent voluntary work. He also thanked Sharon Lea and Stephen Hollingworth on their outstanding work delivering more value for less money.
That cabinet notes, and comment, on the final report and recommendations of H&F’s resident-led Parks Commission (Appendix A).