6 Council Tax Base and Collection Rate 2022/23 and Delegation of the Business Rate Estimate PDF 297 KB
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Councillor Max Schmid stated that this was a largely technical report, but it also showed that the number of properties in the Borough had increased by 1,333 and would result in an increased income. This was due to the Councils programme to introduce further affordable housing into the Borough to try to ease the housing crisis. He added that care leavers and foster parents would continue to be exempt from paying Council Tax.
The Leader thanked Emily Hill and her team as well as all the senior leadership team for running a business-like operation and keeping the budget under control. This meant that they were able to offer support to care leavers and foster parents.
That Cabinet agrees to refer this report to Full Council and recommend approval by Full Council for the financial year 2022/23 of:
1. The estimated numbers of properties for each Valuation Band as set out in this report.
2. An estimated collection rate of 97.0%.
3. The Council Tax Base of 82,263 Band “D” equivalent properties.
4. The delegation of authority to the Director of Finance to determine the business rates tax base for 2022/23.