5 2020/21 Revenue Outturn Report PDF 357 KB
Councillors Max Schmid stated that the last year had been extremely difficult financially, with unexpected expenses and loss of income due to the pandemic, only partially covered by the Government grants. Despite these challenges this report showed a slight underspend which was an achievement and a tribute to all officers working across the Council. In particular to the S151 Officer and Director of Finance, Emily Hill and her team who had managed to keep tight financial control and had continued to cut waste. They had maintained a good level of Council Tax and housing rent collection while not using bailiff’s collectors but intervening early to ensure residents received the support they needed.
The Leader outlined that one of the Council’s basic aspiration other than keeping people safe was to have a robust and strong public finance. He also paid tribute to officers who were totally committed to bringing services on budgets and finding savings. They were taking an innovative approach and were driving forward efficiencies and modernising the ways the Council operated.
1. To note the General Fund underspend of £0.301m and that this be added to the Council’s general balance.
2. To note that the draw down from the Housing Revenue Account general balance was £0.904m less than budgeted.
3. To note the in-year reduction in the Dedicated Schools Grant High Needs Block cumulative overspend of £3.111m.