Councillor Andrew Jones stated that this report supported the Council’s Industrial Strategy which sets out a vision for economic growth for everyone. It aimed to support the borough’s long-term ambitions of an inclusive local economy. He added that Hammersmith and Fulham continued to suffer negative economic consequences as a result of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. From the beginning of the lockdown in 2020 until December, the number of work-related benefit claimants had more than doubled. In addition, thousands of residents had been furloughed and, with the continuation of lockdown measures, many of these residents could lose their jobs in the coming months. He thanked the Economy Team for working extremely hard to support residents and businesses during this pandemic.
The Leader added that the end of furlough would leave thousands of people in need of support. The Council would need to focus on equipping residents with the skills and knowledge to get them back into employment. Particularly sectors such as hospitality and retail would need support to be better prepared for the changing economy and in adapting their businesses to comply with safety measures as a result of the pandemic.
Councillor Coleman stated that the was happy to see the support initiatives targeted at BAME communities and disabled residents. These would give everyone the best chance without discrimination and help to build trust within these communities.
To approverevenue funding of £1.942m to fund economic delivery activity for 2021/22 using Section 106 (£1.850m) and Strategic Investment Pot (SIP) funding (£0.092m).