In response to questions, it was clarified that where services were unique to the Borough it would be delivered locally in line with local priorities. The Council will not rush into integrating services. It will initially operate different policies and build on successes. The proposed LBHF LSCB training officer will provide the client side support to the three boroughs rather than deliver their respective programmes. It was agreed that the report will be considered by Education Select Committee.
1. That the proposal to develop shared education provision across London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham (LBHF), Westminster City Council (WCC) and Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (RBKC) be approved, subject to agreement by WCC and RBKC Councils, and for the implementation to be phased as set out in Appendix 1 - to include the establishment of a joint commissioning unit and the establishment of an arm’s length delivery unit for education services across the three Local Authorities (LAs) by September 2012, with an interim merged service in place for the new academic year in September 2011.
2. For the exploration, in the second phase, of possible different models for the delivery of services - options may include market testing or a social enterprise.
3. That agreement be given for the development of shared provision for the Local Children’s Safeguarding Board, Fostering and Adoption services and Youth Offending services by September 2011, subject to agreement by WCC and RBKC Councils.
4. With a view to the implementation in line with these timescales, that the Director of Children’s Services be authorised to:
i) reach agreement with fellow Directors of Children’s
Services on reorganisation proposals on a service by service or
part service basis, with a view to agreeing the future scope of
such services; management arrangements; the staffing structures for
such services; the advisability of harmonising terms and conditions
across boroughs; and the implementation of a joint commissioning
ii) consult with affected staff and unions on the basis that any
sharing of services will initially take place by affected staff
either being seconded to work with staff at other boroughs or will
be transferred to the employment of a host borough depending on the
detail of the agreement to be reached with other boroughs on a
service by service or part service basis;
iii) implement the sharing of the services identified at paragraph
2.2 below on the above basis; to agree the terms of any secondment
either to or from the Council; to agree any necessary
changes to staffing structures; and to
authorise any resulting redundancies in
accordance with the Council’s usual procedures; and to do everything necessary to give effect to
the above recommendations.
5. That the implementation of these proposals and any future proposals in relation to Children’s Services be aligned with the requirements and timescales for the wider development of shared services across the three LAs be approved.