Issue - meetings

Independent Living Direct Payment Support Service

Meeting: 04/11/2019 - Cabinet (Item 70)

70 Approval To Waive The Council's Contract Standing Orders And To Directly Award A Contract To Action On Disability For The Provision Of An Independent Living Direct Payment Support Service For Hammersmith & Fulham Residents pdf icon PDF 879 KB


It is recommended that Cabinet:


1.     Approves the waiver of the Contract Standing Orders (CSOs) under CSO 3.1 in relation to the requirement to seek competitive bids under CSO 10.2b, on the basis that it is in the Council’s overall interest and that the nature of the market for the services to be provided has been investigated and is demonstrated to be such that a departure from these CSOs is justifiable;


2.     Approves the direct award of a contract for a new Independent Living Direct Payment Support Service to Action on Disability from December 2019 for one year with the option to extend for up to two more at an annual cost of £150,000; and


3.     Delegates the decision to exercise the option to extend for up to two years to the Strategic Director of Social Care in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care.