Issue - meetings

Asset Management Compliance Strategy and Capital Programme

Meeting: 01/07/2019 - Cabinet (Item 24)

24 Asset Management Compliance Strategy And Capital Programme pdf icon PDF 163 KB

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Councillor Lisa Homan stated that the Council’s number one priority was the safety and welfare of all residents. This report described the strategy of works to deliver Fire Safety Plus and other health and safety compliance works.  Further details would be subject to a future report.


In response to concerns raised by Charecroft Estate residents during the discussion of this item Councillor Lisa Homan confirmed that CCTV would be installed on stairwells in the buildings and she would inform the residents on the timetable once known.


David McNulty, Assistant Director Operations, explained that Charecroft Estate works would be delivered in two phases. Phase one was described in the report, Phase two would be subject to a future Cabinet report and would be fully liaised with residents.


In reply to a concern raised by a resident, David McNulty stated that he would investigate the issue related to the removal of fire safety doors and equipment from garages and would respond directly to residents.


The Leader stressed that fire safety was on the Council’s Manifesto and Fire Safety Plus had been created to go beyond the legal requirements.





1.    Approve the capital spending programme set out in this report at Appendix A, this to include commencement of the programme to be contained within the approved HRA capital programme budget up to £121,929,000.


2.    Extend the delegation given to the Cabinet Member for Housing on 20 September 2018 to award all contracts forming part of the Housing capital programme in accordance with the approved procurement strategy to include expenditure incurred in the financial year 2022/23.



Following the meeting the Leader endorsed and formally delegated the recommendation 2 above to the Cabinet Member for Housing.