Issue - meetings


Meeting: 03/06/2019 - Cabinet (Item 8)

8 White City Estate - New Council Homes And Community Facilities pdf icon PDF 184 KB

This report has two appendices which contain information exempt within the meaning of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act1972 and is not for publication. The appendices have therefore been circulated to Cabinet Members only.


Any discussions on the contents of an exempt appendix will require Cabinet to pass the proposed resolution identified at the end of the agenda to exclude members of the public and the press from the proceedings for that discussion.


Additional documents:


That Cabinet:


1.1.        Approve the strategic case for engaging with residents at White City and the approach to resident consultation.


1.2.        Approve the Procurement Strategy to appoint a design team and associated consultants for the development of proposals and consultation on White City Estate area as set out in the exempt Appendix 1, and delegate the decision as to which of the recommended frameworks to use to the Strategic Director for the Economy in consultation with the Cabinet Member for the Economy.


1.3.        Approve associated capital budget of up to £2,880,000 required for the initial business case, design, and survey costs.


1.4.        Approve the design and survey costs of up to £2,880,000 will be funded from £864,000 of retained right to buy receipts and £2,016,000 of internal or external borrowing by the Housing Revenue Account (HRA).


1.5.        Approve the initial allocation of £720,300 from the total £2,880,000 to fund consultants, design and survey costs to RIBA stage 1 (outline scheme plan) from £216,090 of retained right to buy receipts and £504,210 of internal or external borrowing by the HRA.


1.6.        Approve the transfer £720,300 from the HRA general reserve to the HRA Regeneration Reserve to meet any aborted capital costs should the project not proceed.


1.7.        Delegate the decision to commit expenditure to progress from RIBA stage 1 (outline scheme plan) to RIBA stage 3 (developed design) to the Strategic Director for The Economy, in consultation with the Strategic Director for Finance and Governance and the Cabinet Member for the Economy.


1.8.        Delegate the award of the contract for design services to the Strategic Director for The Economy in consultation with the Cabinet Member for the Economy.


1.9.        Delegate the award of the cost consultant to the Strategic Director for The Economy in consultation with the Cabinet Member for the Economy.


1.10.     Note the recommended approach to stakeholder and resident engagement in the design process.


1.11.     Recommend to re-allocate £1,550,000 of the previously approved budget on 4th March 2019 for existing Decent Neighbourhood schemes.


That Cabinet recommends to Full Council


1.12.     That the Council approve the budget set out in the exempt Appendix 2 to acquire the NHS PS property and that this additional budget will need to be funded from retained right to buy receipts and HRA borrowing.