Issue - meetings

Corporate Revenue Monitor Month 2 - May 2018

Meeting: 10/09/2018 - Cabinet (Item 34)

34 Corporate Revenue Monitor 2018/19 Month 2 - 31st May 2018 pdf icon PDF 568 KB


1.    To note the forecast General Fund outturn and note that officers are developing further plans to reduce the overspend for discussion with Directors and ratification by the Strategic Leadership Team.


2.    To note, the in-year (£6m) and cumulative (£13m) forecast overspend on Dedicated Schools Grant and the actions being considered to reduce this. To note the high level potential options that are being explored and that a detailed briefing and options paper is being prepared for Cabinet to consider.


3.    To note the HRA forecast overspend and note that officers are developing further plans to reduce the overspend for discussion with Directors and ratification by the Strategic Leadership Team.


4.    To agree that the 2018/19 2% pay award contingency (£1.775m) is not allocated to departments but held corporately to mitigate overspends. Directors to ensure that staffing budgets are robustly managed to avoid staffing overspends.


5.    To agree that 50% of the unallocated contingency budget (£0.85m) is used to mitigate the overall adverse budget variance.


6.    To agree the budget virements detailed in Appendix 10.


7.    To delegate to the Strategic Director of Finance and Governance in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance and Commercial Services the decision to agree the necessary budget virements processed to align budgets to the new 2018/19 departmental structures.