Issue - meetings

Planning Guidance Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

Meeting: 05/02/2018 - Cabinet (Item 124)

124 Planning guidance SPD: adoption of document pdf icon PDF 243 KB

Additional documents:


Before the consideration of this item, the Leader asked Cabinet if they had considered the additional changes that were being proposed to the Design & Conservation chapter of the Planning Guidance SPD, which were sent to Cabinet Members after the agenda publication.


The following amendments were being proposed to Appendix 1: Planning Guidance SPD:


Chapter 4: Design & Conservation (Basement & Lightwells)

·         Para 4.26

Amend para 4.26 as follows:- “Some heritage assets will be extremely sensitive to changes in level at the threshold of a building  Listed buildings and buildings in conservation areas can be sensitive to proposals for lightwells or basement excavation, especially where the forecourt or front garden space provides the setting for the building or terrace and contributes to the significance of the heritage asset.”


·         Para 4.27

Amend para 4.27 as follows: “ It will be important to consider not only the impact of the permanent alterations, but also the impact of any temporary works that will be required to facilitate the proposed works.  Listed buildings and buildings in conservation areas can be sensitive to proposals for lightwells or basement excavation, especially where the forecourt or front garden space provides the setting for the building or terrace and contributes to the significance of the heritage asset.

Chapter 4: Design & Conservation (Archaeology & Heritage Assets)

·         Key Principle AH2

Amend first para of Key Principle AH2 as follows:- “There will be a

presumption in favour of the conservation of designated heritage assets and the more significant the designated heritage asset, the greater the presumption in favour of its conservation will be….”

·         Para 4.141

Amend para 4.141 as follows:- “Where the application will lead to substantial harm to or total loss of significance to designated heritage assets, the council will refuse consent unless it can be demonstrated that:”


·         Para 4.141 (i)

Amend point (i) of para 4.141 as follows:- “(i) the substantial harm to or total loss of significance is necessary in order to deliver substantial public benefits that outweigh that harm or loss; or”


·         Para 4.143

Insert new paragraph after 4.143 as follows:-The effect of an application on the significance of a non-designated heritage asset should be taken into account in determining the application. In weighing applications that affect directly or indirectly non-designated heritage assets, a balanced judgement will be required, having regard to the scale of any harm or loss and the significance of the heritage asset.”


The Leader proposed to include an additional recommendation to note the additional changes above, which was unanimously agreed.





1.         That approval be given for the Planning Guidance SPD to be adopted by Cabinet (proposed adoption version at Appendix 1) incorporating the amendments outlined in the schedule of representations at Appendix 2.  The adoption to take affect from 28th February 2018.


2.         To note the additional amendments proposed to Chapter 4: Design & Conservation (Basement & Lightwells) of the Appendix 1: Planning Guidance SPD, appended to the minutes.”