Issue - meetings

King Street Town Hall Regeneration Project

Meeting: 05/03/2018 - Cabinet (Item 144)

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Councillor Lucy Ivimy enquired about the procurement process and the selection of tenderers. The Leader assured that the Lead Director of Regeneration, Planning and Housing Services, Jo Rowlands, had carried out a thorough review and budget allocation and had received extensive advice. The Scheme had a high percentage of affordable housing, it had been positively received by the public and would regenerate Hammersmith & Fulham.




1.            To delegate authority to the Lead Director for Regeneration, Planning and Housing, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Regeneration, to complete negotiations with A2 Dominion Housing Association and their subsidiary companies A2 Dominion Homes Ltd and A2 Dominion Developments Ltd. with regard to the King Street Regeneration in order to enter into Heads of Terms.


2.            To enter Heads of Terms, once negotiations are completed, for the transfer of land at

·           181 King Street,

·           Nigel Playfair Avenue,

·           207 King Street, and

·           the Town Hall Extension,

·           (all of which is shown edged red in appendix 1), to A2 Dominion Homes Ltd. and A2 Dominion Developments Ltd. under a land sale agreement on a 250 - year lease.


3.            To note that the decision for any Land Transfer in the West King Street Regeneration will return to Cabinet for approval.


4.            To delegate authority to the Lead Director for Regeneration, Planning and Housing, and the Director of Building and Property Management in consultation with Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Regeneration and the Cabinet Member for Finance to complete asset transactions in connection with:


·           the Friends Meeting House at Nigel Playfair Avenue and

·           land of the Former Children’s Centre at Bradmore Park Road


and to confirm that disposal of the land will be covered by General Consents under s123 of Local Government Act 1972 and/or to seek the necessary consent from the Secretary of State should it be required.


5.            To resolve that the area of land at 181 King Street; 207 King Street; Nigel Playfair Avenue; Town Hall Annex referred to in this report and shown edged red on the plan at Appendix 1 is no longer required for the purpose for which it is currently held.


6.            To approve in principle the appropriation of the area of land in appendix 1 to the planning purposes of facilitating redevelopment for residential and other uses pursuant to section 122 of the Local Government Act 1972 in order to override easements covenants and other third party rights  in respect of the land pursuant to section 203 of the Housing and Planning Act 2016 subject to the requirements set out in the legal implications section having been satisfied and a further report for approval being made to Cabinet.


7.            To approve a budget of £360,000 to deliver a successful negotiation of legal agreements, complete the necessary commercial, tax and accountancy assessments, and the associated project management.


8.            To approve budget of £250,000 for the client-side Council Accommodation Delivery Team over the next 6 months. This includes dedicated technical specification management, IT project management and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 144