Issue - meetings

2017_18 Corporate Revenue Monitoring Month 3

Meeting: 09/10/2017 - Cabinet (Item 45)

45 Corporate revenue monitor 2017/18 month 3 - 30th June 2017 pdf icon PDF 623 KB


Councillor Ivimy noted the overspend for Regeneration, Planning and Housing Services, mainly due to temporary accommodation pressures, and asked whether provisions had been made for the potential increase in rent due to the licensing programme.


The Leader stated that other London boroughs had not experienced any increase in rent due to the licensing programme. Councillor Homan added that the Council carried out a very rigorous check before the temporary accommodation was allocated to people.




1.    To note the General Fund and Housing Revenue Account month 3 forecast revenue outturn variances.


2.    To note the action plans amounting to £2.815m, seeking to address the General Fund gross overspend forecast variance of £4.742m. All overspending departments will need to respond with further actions to reduce the net forecast overspend after mitigating actions of £2.364m.


3.    To approve the proposed virements requests in appendix 11.