Issue - meetings

CPZ T, H and D

Meeting: 13/01/2017 - Cabinet Members' Decisions (Item 1.)

1. CPZ T, H and D pdf icon PDF 2 MB


1.1.        To retain the existing controlled hours of Monday - Friday, 9am – 5pm in CPZ’s T, H and D and to keep the current maximum stay period set at 8 hours for pay and  display customers.


1.2.        That officers should carry out a parking beat survey in all streets of CPZ T to establish the effects of weekend commuter parking demand and Fulham FC match day commuter parking.


1.3.       That officers should consult CPZ D on an option to introduce “Event Day” restrictions which will enable the council to vary the controlled hours through variable messaging signage (VMS) on a Chelsea match day or when there is an event at the Queens Club (Such as the AEGON Tennis Championships which are held for one week in June each year).


1.4.       That before carrying out further consultation in CPZ T or D officers should await feedback and results from the forthcoming consultation and review of CPZ’s F and S which is scheduled for 2017/18.