Issue - meetings


Meeting: 29/06/2010 - Audit Committee (Item 13)


This report informs the Committee on the overall arrangements for, and performance of, risk management across the Council.


Additional documents:


Michael Sloniowski, Principal Risk Consultant, introduced the report, which set out progress made on Risk Management since the last meeting of the Audit Committee. The principal focus during that time had been compiling and verifying the Annual Governance Statement. The report also contained the latest iteration of the Corporate Risk Register, and also drew attention to the recent data outage and its consequences, which highlighted the need for increased data resilience.


Work had been concentrated on improving the quality of risk management, concentrating on reaching appropriate levels of control, with a value for money focus.


Councillor Murphy expressed concern at the poor quality of supporting documentation identified in the audit of Directors’ annual assurance statements. Michael Sloniowski said that he had discussed the issue with the Director of Finance and the Chief Internal Auditor and that the issue would also be discussed by the Executive Management Team. Jane West said that ease of access to documentation for the auditors was the chief issue, and noted that there had been less intervention to ensure easy access than in previous years. As such, the most appropriate way for Directors to supply their supporting documentation needed to be agreed.


Councillor Murphy also asked about progress towards meeting Health and Safety Executive Standard HSG65 Management, and what were the risks of non-compliance. Michael Sloniowski said that HSG65 set standards above those demanded as a minimum by the law, and its implementation was seen as a move towards a rigorous standard. There was no risk associated with non-compliance, as the risk was of an accident taking place.




The report, and the latest iteration of the Corporate Risk Register, be approved.












































Councillor Murphy raised concerns regarding the Directors’ annual assurance statements, supporting evidence for which had not been available for audit. Micheal Sloniowski was He said that there had been some concerns about the quality of the data provided, and he had discussed these with the Director of Finance and Corporate Service and the Chief Internal Auditor. Jane West, Director of Finance and Corporate Services, said that the diminished quality of response from officers had come at the same time as a reduction in intervention from those carrying out the review. As such, there was work to do to assess what was the appropriate level of input to expect from officers in terms of the provision of documentation, against which they could be held to account.




Report noted