Issue - meetings

Proposed Establishment of a Family Support Service

Meeting: 06/03/2017 - Cabinet (Item 166)

166 Proposed Establishment of an Integrated Family Support Service pdf icon PDF 364 KB

Additional documents:


1.            To move towards the establishment of a Family Support Service from 1 October 2017 which will deliver comprehensive and fully integrated child, young person, and family support across the Borough.


2.            To progress the establishment of a JVC, as set out in the Business Plan at Appendix 2, to deliver the Family Support Service and into which relevant staff will transfer from 1 October 2017. The appointment of the Joint Venture partner(s) will be subject to a Cabinet Contract Award Decision.


3.            To agree to the transfer of the following services (and relevant staff as covered by TUPE regulations) to the Family Support Service through the services contract as set out in paragraph 2.7: Children’s Centres, youth provision, the Family Services Early Help Service, universal and targeted substance misuse services for young people, and universal and targeted sexual health services for young people from 1October 2017; and Health Visiting, School Health, and Healthy Schools from no later than 1 October 2018.


4.            To undertake a procurement process for the award of service contracts to deliver a locality 0-18 universal and low level targeted Children’s Centre and youth provision service for a duration of 3 years (with provision for the JVC, once established, to review at an early opportunity) and for these contracts to include terms for their novation to the JVC.


5.            To approve the commissioning and procurement strategy as follows and delegate to the Director of Commissioning for Children’s Services, after consultation and agreement from the Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care, to:


-       Directly award a School Health Service contract to deliver the service from 1 April 2017 up until no later than 30 September 2018;

-       Directly award a Health Visiting Service contract to deliver the service from 1 October 2017 up until no later than 30 September 2018;

-       Directly award a Healthy Schools Service contract to deliver the service from 1 April 2018 up until no later than 30 September 2018.


6.            To undertake a competitive procurement process to establish an institutionalised public-private partnership (IPPP) to enable the appointment of partners to the JVC.


7.            To award a services contract to the Family Support Service to deliver the services in scope for a period of 5 years, with the option of a further 3-year extension, subject to a contract award paper being approved by Cabinet following the completion of the IPPP process.


8.            To agree to the possible transfer into the Family Support Service (subject to future business cases and Cabinet decisions) and include in all planned market engagement activity the following service areas: Youth Offending Service (diversion and out of court work), Childhood Obesity services, existing Adult Social Care assessment and provider services (potential scope to be developed further), relevant employment and education services, and Community Safety including Domestic Violence and Violence Against Women and Girls. Services included in paragraphs 2.3 and 2.8 will inform the scope of the initial Family Support Service contract.


9.            To commission the JVC,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 166