Issue - meetings

Integrated Family Support Service Business Case

Meeting: 10/10/2016 - Cabinet (Item 63)

63 Integrated Family Support Service Business Case pdf icon PDF 399 KB


1.    To approve the progression of work for the implementation of the proposed IFSS as described in this paper;


2.    To agree the combined budget for the IFSS as set out in section 9.1 in the exempt report to deliver the IFSS;


3.    To explore the creation of an innovative special purpose vehicle (SPV), in partnership with the sector and other funding bodies, to protect and lever further alternative investment into universal and early intervention services and support partnership working in the sector;


4.    To approve the Smarter Budgeting investment (as set out in section 9.2 in the exempt report) subject to a full business case and to agree an initial start-up investment (as set out in section 9.2 in the exempt report). The investment requirement will need to be funded from the Efficiency Projects Reserve.