Issue - meetings

Geographical Information Systems – platform consolidation

Meeting: 04/07/2016 - Cabinet (Item 16)

16 Geographical Information Systems - platform consolidation pdf icon PDF 249 KB


1          That approval be given to the award of an Enterprise Licence Agreement to ESRI UK for a period 3 years in accordance with section 10 of this document and of total estimated value of as set out in the exempt report on the exempt Cabinet agenda (for 3 Councils over 3 years), and delegate to the Chief Information Officer the authority to sign an Inter-Authority Agreement through which RBKC and WCC will recompense LBHF for these GIS services


2          That the Cabinet Member for Finance approves the transition cost of £37,700 (HFBP WPR75430), to be met from Efficiency Reserve budgets, and delegate to the Chief Information Officer the authority to sign an Inter-Authority Agreement through which future LBHF GIS software and platform services will be delivered.