Issue - meetings

Social care case management system contract

Meeting: 04/07/2016 - Cabinet (Item 22)

22 Social Care Case Management System Contract pdf icon PDF 133 KB


1.         That approval be given to extend the existing service  arrangements with Servelec Corelogic Limited for provision of social care systems; and that this service continuity be achieved by:


i)          novating the existing contacts held by HFBP on the Council’s behalf to H&F when the Hammersmith and Fulham Bridge Partnership (HFBP) ceases to exist after 31st October 2016 , and


ii)         upon expiry of the contracts referred to in 2.1 further contract with Servelec  Corelogic for a Children’s and Adults social care system from 17th January 2017, with directly awarded contracts between Corelogic and the Council.


Such contracts to be on the same terms as the existing contracts. Such contracts to be for a term until 16 January 2020, with a two-year break clause.


2.         That approval be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care on the decision to upgrade to Mosaic; this decision will take place after a more detailed review to ensure Mosaic can meet our digital ambitions.


2.         That approval be given for the release of capital funds up to the sum of £200,000 from the 2016/17 investment programmes for Adult Social Care (ASC) to fund the upgrade of Frameworki to Mosaic should the decision be made by the Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care to upgrade to Mosaic.