Issue - meetings

'Better Junctions' - Hammersmith Gyratory Consultation

Meeting: 04/01/2016 - Cabinet Members' Decisions (Item 6.)

6. 'Better Junctions' - Hammersmith Gyratory Consultation pdf icon PDF 207 KB


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member on: 21 December 2015


1       To endorse the partnership and the work officers have been undertaking with TfL in the design and consultation stages of the project, and to endorse the continued work with TfL on the project.


2.      For officers to prepare a detailed response on the TfL consultation for the PAC committee to approve if appropriate.


3       That approval is given to co-brand the Hammersmith Gyratory ‘Better Junction’ consultation with TfL, in line with the  Council’s corporate identity branding guidelines.