Issue - meetings

Enhancement Of Alternative Provision At The Bridge And Greswell Street Sites

Meeting: 07/03/2016 - Cabinet (Item 165)

165 Enhancement Of Alternative Provision At The Bridge And Greswell Street Sites pdf icon PDF 286 KB

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Councillor Macmillan introduced Mr Seamus Oates, TBAP Multi Academy Trust, Executive Head Teacher.   He welcomed the Council’s proposal to invest a significant amount of money in the Academy which will strengthen and broaden the curriculum offer to Hammersmith and Fulham students through the redevelopment of the Finlay Street site. The Academy supports pupils with challenging behaviour who are unable to attend main stream schools.  The Academy had been twice rated as Outstanding by OFSTED. The Academy propose to have other agencies such as the police and school psychologists  co-locate within the premises.  Plans are being developed to deliver post 16 education in the future.




1.1            That the Council supports the enhancement of the curriculum offer to H&F students at the borough’s Alternative Provision Academy at the Finlay Street site run by The TBAP Multi Academy Trust (TBAP), through the redevelopment of the site

1.2            That the Council agrees to contribute £6 million from S106 contributions subject to confirmation that the balance of the funding is secured by TBAP.

1.3            Subject to the  approval of the Secretary of State, that the Council agrees to incorporate the Greswell St site in a 125 year academy lease to TBAP.


1.4            That the Cabinet agree to the appointment of LSI architects to develop the scheme to Royal Institute of British Architects Stage 7 (occupation) as outlined below and in accordance with the procurement process advice given in Part B.


1.5            That the Council delegates to the Cabinet Member for Children and Education the appointment of a construction contractor, subject to the proper procurement processes being followed, the scope being agreed and the costs being within budget.