Issue - meetings


Meeting: 02/11/2015 - Cabinet (Item 88)

88 Parking On Housing Estates - Consultation Results pdf icon PDF 264 KB

Additional documents:




1.         To approve the introduction of TMOs on Clem Attlee, William Church, Lancaster Court, Sulivan Court and Barclay Close estates, acknowledging the stated preference on the majority of these estates for controls to be in place 24 hours daily, seven days per week.


2.         To note that the TMOs will be aligned as a minimum to the CPZ hours of operation immediately adjacent to the estates, and residents advised accordingly.


3.         To agree the phased implementation of four TMOs as follows:

· Clem Attlee and William Church – January 2016

· Sulivan Court and Lancaster Court – March 2016


4.         To give delegated authority to the Cabinet Member for Housing, and the Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport & Residents Services to agree any changes to the above implementation schedule should this be required in response to changes to local parking stress on the above estates.


5.         To give delegated authority to the Cabinet Member for Housing, and the Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport & Residents Services to review the outcome of the further engagement work for Edward Woods and Fulham Court Estates, and decide upon the options to be pursued and the timeline for implementation.


6.         To note that implementation at Barclay Close will need to be aligned with the outcome at Fulham Court due to their proximity.


7.         To approve a budget of £410,000 for the 7 estates, to be financed from the Housing Revenue Account (HRA).


8.         To approve the commencement of Phase 2 of consultation as set out at Appendix 4, to commence January 2016.


9.         To approve a budget of £45,000 to carry out the above consultation.


10.       To note that should implementation of TMOs be agreed for Phase 2, subject to a further report being prepared for Cabinet, the costs of these are estimated at £420,000 from the HRA, subject to site survey.


Reason for decision:

As set out in the report.


Alternative options considered and rejected:

As outlined in the report.


Record of any conflict of interest:



Note of dispensation in respect of any declared conflict of interest:
