Issue - meetings

Fulham Court Estate improvement strategy: Phase 1: physical improvements

Meeting: 08/03/2010 - Cabinet (Item 7)

7 Fulham Court Estate Improvement Strategy: Phase 1 Physical Improvements, Further Report pdf icon PDF 40 KB

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The meeting received a briefing note highlighting the outcome of the second stage of residents’ consultation as part of the Fulham Court Estate Improvement project.  The meeting was informed that residents had declared their preferred location for the combined Children’s & Community Centre on Fulham Court Estate.




1.     That approval be given to the implementation of a combined Children’s Centre and Community Centre to be located within the boundary of Fulham Court or Barclay Close Estates(subject to any necessary statutory consents and the outcome of comprehensive resident consultation).


2.     To authorise the Chief Executive of H& F Homes and the Chief Executive of the Council to finalise the location of the Centre in conjunction with the Cabinet Members for Housing and Children’s Services.


3.      To approve a programme of consultation with residents to evaluate the possibility of physical estate improvement.


4.      To agree to earmark £4.057m of funding from the HRA Disposal Receipts over the years 2009/2013 to enable the works programme to proceed, subject to detailed resident consultation and further approval, and to agree the provisional annual budgets across the 2009/2013 years as shown in the body of the report to Cabinet on 11 January 2010 (subject to confirmation at tender approval stage) and that £0.450m of grant funding be applied regarding the provision of a Children’s Centre.


5.      To approve the delegation to H&F Homes of the responsibility for the development and delivery of the physical improvement programme, subject to detailed approval being sought to the final scheme from the Cabinet.