Issue - meetings

Community Sexual Health Contract Extensions

Meeting: 12/10/2015 - Cabinet (Item 68)

68 Public Health, Sexual Health & Community based services Direct Award pdf icon PDF 280 KB


1.            Cabinet to approve the following recommendations:


1.1.       That Option 3, detailed in section 6 of the report, to make direct award to a reduced number of contracts to align with GUM transformation programme, and allow a full procurement exercise to be completed for community and reproductive health services, be agreed.


1.2.       That approval be given by the Cabinet and the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health, for each of sovereign authority that the Executive Director of Adult Social Care and Health may approve the recommendation made by the Contract Approval Board to direct award contracts.


1.3.       That the total spend for the community and reproductive sexual health services, including young people across the three boroughs, for the 12 month period from 1st April 2016 to 31st March 2017 totalling £5,403,975, be agreed.


1.4.       That approval be given to waiver in accordance with paragraph 3 of the Contract Standing Orders 11 (officer responsibilities) for the requirement to complete a competitive tendering exercise and (a) advertise the opportunity and (b) seek public quotations using the e-tendering system. 


1.5.       That approval be given to waive the requirement to carry out a competitive exercise as set out in table 12.3 of the  of the Contract Standing Orders in order to allow the local authority to directly award the contracts to the providers listed in Appendix B (in the exempt report on the exempt Cabinet agenda).


1.6.       That the direct award of the contracts, as defined in our contract standing orders (waivers and exemption) sovereign contracts as listed in Appendix B (in the exempt report on the exempt Cabinet agenda) effective  from 1st April 2016 to expire on 31st March 2017, be approved.


2.            To note the recommendations for Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea’s Cabinet Member:


2.1.       To approve a waiver in accordance with paragraph 2.09 of the RBKC Contract Regulations to waive the requirement to seek tenders in accordance with paragraph 2.28 in order to allow the local authority to directly award the contracts to the providers listed in Appendix B (in the exempt report on the exempt Cabinet agenda) in accordance with Contract Regulation 2.36. 


2.2.       To approve the direct award of the contracts to the providers listed in Appendix B (in the exempt report on the exempt Cabinet agenda) and for the values set out in the same appendix, effectivefrom 1st April 2016 to expire on 31st March 2017. 


3.            To note the recommendations for Westminster City Council’s Cabinet Member:-


3.1.       The Chief Procurement Officer approve a waiver in accordance with section 2.2 of the  Westminster Procurement Code to allow the local authority to directly award the contracts to the providers listed in Appendix B (in the exempt report on the exempt Cabinet agenda).


3.2.       To approve the direct award of the contracts to the providers listed in Appendix B (in the exempt report on the exempt Cabinet agenda) and for the values set out in the same Appendix, effectivefrom 1  ...  view the full minutes text for item 68