Issue - meetings

Corporate Revenue Monitor Month 8 - November

Meeting: 11/04/2016 - Cabinet (Item 184)

184 Corporate Revenue Monitor 2015/16 Month 9 - December pdf icon PDF 574 KB


1.1.        That the General Fund and HRA month 9 revenue outturn forecast variance be noted.


1.2.        That all overspending departments to agree proposals/action plans for bringing spend in line with budget.


1.3.        To agree the virement totalling £1.250m (Appendix 10 of the report). This comprises £0.223m from Unallocated Contingency and £0.097m from the Private Sector (Direct Lettings) Incentive Payments Reserve; in order to fund Housing General Fund Temporary Accommodation Incentive Payments demand pressures totalling £0.320m. A transfer of £0.930m is requested from the Corporate Demands & Pressures reserve to the Managed Services Programme(MSP) reserve to fund additional costs of MSP implementation and stabilisation to end of June 2016.


1.4.        To note that departments have requested that they be allowed to carry forward budgets of £2.021m from year-end underspends.  These will be considered at the year-end, in the context of the Councils’ overall position and other priorities.


1.5.        To note that  in order to produce the final accounts to the statutory deadline of 30th June, a significant amount of activity is necessary. It is therefore proposed that decision making in relation to these issues is delegated to the Strategic Finance Director in conjunction with the Cabinet Member for Finance.