Issue - meetings

Public Questions (20 Minutes)

Meeting: 27/01/2010 - Full Council (Item 32)

32 Public Question Time pdf icon PDF 12 KB

The Leader/relevant Cabinet Member to reply to questions submitted by members of the public:



Additional documents:


7.06pm – The Mayor called on those members of the public who had submitted questions to the Leader to ask their questions.  The Leader or the relevant Cabinet Member responded.


Question No. 1 – Mr Rob Easthope to the Cabinet Member for Environment (Councillor Nicholas Botterill);


Question No. 2 – Mr Jon Burden to the Cabinet Member for Environment (Councillor Nicholas Botterill);


Question No. 3 – Mr John Grigg to the Cabinet Member for Housing (Councillor Lucy Ivimy).


[Copies of all public questions submitted and the reply given are attached at Appendix 2 to these minutes.]