Issue - meetings

LBHF and local third sector Future Jobs Fund (FJF) scheme

Meeting: 08/03/2010 - Cabinet (Item 5)

5 LBHF and Future Jobs Fund (FJF) Schemes pdf icon PDF 68 KB





That the Council :


1.  Acts as accountable body for the ‘Employing Partners’ third sector partnership FJF bid and enters into a contract with the Department of Work and Pensions to deliver 65 jobs, training and employment support services funded by £422,500 DWP/FJF funding for this purpose.


2.  Uses ‘Employing Partners’ FJF funding to commission third sector agencies through service level agreements to create new jobs and employ job seekers allowance claimants (JSA) in line with FJF criteria.


3.  Directly employs 80 JSA claimants as part of a second FJF scheme (West London Working) and enters into a contract with LB Ealing, accountable body for this scheme, to secure full reimbursement of £221,080 after three months employment from their agreed DWP/FJF funding.