Issue - meetings

Award of the framework agreements and H&F call off agreements for Advocacy Services

Meeting: 05/01/2015 - Cabinet (Item 126)

126 Award of the framework agreements and call off agreements for Advocacy Services pdf icon PDF 112 KB


1.1       That the Leader of the Council, in conjunction with the Executive Director for Adult Social Care and Health, award:


·         The three Framework Agreements that will be accessed by Adult Social Care, which H&F and the successful Providers will be party to, and from which the three boroughs can call off; and


·         The three H&F Call Off Agreements that will be accessed by Adult Social Care and which will allow H&F to access the services and for which the contract period for is from 1st July 2015 to 30th June 2019.


Councillor Vivienne Lukey declared a significant other interest as a Trustee of H&F Mind.  She took part in the discussions and voted on the matter.