13 Fulham Court Estate improvement Strategy: Phase 1: physical improvements PDF 94 KB
Additional documents:
1. That approval be given to the implementation of a Children’s Centre (subject to any necessary statutory consents and comprehensive resident consultation).
2. To approve a programme of consultation with residents to evaluate the possibility of physical estate improvement.
3. To agree to earmark £4.057m of funding from the HRA Disposal Receipts over the years 2009/2013 to enable the works programme to proceed, subject to detailed resident consultation and further approval, and to agree the provisional annual budgets across the 2009/2013 years as shown in the body of the report (subject to confirmation at tender approval stage) and that £0.450m of grant funding be applied regarding the provision of a Children’s Centre.
4. To approve the delegation to H&F Homes of the responsibility for the development and delivery of the physical improvement programme, subject to detailed approval being sought to the final scheme from Cabinet.