Issue - meetings

Extension of Hammersmith and Fulham Children's Centre Contracts

Meeting: 06/10/2014 - Cabinet (Item 32)

32 Extension of Youth Service contracts up to 31 March 2016 pdf icon PDF 208 KB


1.1      That approval be given to enact the extension option so as to extend the contracts for a period of up to 12 months, with effect from the 1st April 2015, as per contract clause 1.1 (duration) outlined below:

The Agreement shall take effect on the Commencement Date and shall continue for a period of two years (the “Initial Term”), unless terminated earlier.

Subject to satisfactory performance by the Organisation, the Council may wish to extend the Agreement for a further period of up to 12 (twelve) calendar months. The Council may approach the Organisation if it wishes to do so before the end of the Initial Term. The clauses in the Agreement will apply throughout any such extended period unless otherwise stated to the contrary.


1.2      That the level of funding for the duration of the extension remains the same as current contracts paid on a quarterly basis, be approved.


Councillors Sue Fennimore and Wesley Harcourt declared an interest as Governors at Phoenix High School.  


Meeting: 06/10/2014 - Cabinet (Item 31)

31 Interim proposal to extend current 16 Hammersmith and Fulham Children's Centre contracts for up to one year pdf icon PDF 71 KB


The Leader noted that it was a main manifesto commitment to keep the Children’s Centres open.  He thanked officers for all their hard work in finding the funding to achieve this.


1.1.That the application of the Council’s Standing Orders (CSO) be waived so that a new contract can be awarded to the existing service providers in the absence of competition.


1.2.That the current service providers continue to provide the service beyond the current expiry date of the contracts for up to one year i.e. contracts are extended from 1April 2015 – 30 September 2015, with provision for further extension to 31March 2016 if required, be agreed.


1.3.That the service provision is on the same terms and conditions as the current contracts, including the option for the Council to terminate the service on a minimum of three months’ notice, be noted.


1.4.That the level of funding for the duration of the extension remains the same as current contracts paid on a quarterly basis, as set out in Appendix 1 whichdetails the total contract value for year, be noted.


1.5.That authority to approve any further actions necessary to ensure that the Council meets its statutory duties for the provision of children’s centres and to give practical effect to the interim measures that are proposed, be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Children and Education, be approved.


Other signficant interests were declared by Councillor Wesley Harcourt as Chairman of Old Oak Housing Association and Councillor Vivienne Lukey as a Governor of Bayonne Nursery School.