Issue - meetings

Old Oak MDc Consultation Response

Meeting: 01/09/2014 - Cabinet (Item 20)

20 Old Oak and Park Royal Mayoral Development Corporation consultation - LBHF response pdf icon PDF 377 KB


Cabinet noted that the consultation by the Mayor of London to establish a Mayoral Development Corporation (MDC) for Old Oak and Park Royal ends on 24 September 2014.  The proposals would cede control of planning powers to the Greater London Authority (GLA) giving the Mayor control of plan making, determining planning applications and the Community Infrastructure Levy charge and collection for the area within the MDC boundary.  The report outlined a response to the Mayor’s consultation.


Councillor Jones in endorsing the response noted that the establishment of an MDC would take power away from the locally elected Members resulting in loss of their democratic mandate.  The Council was not convinced based on the levels of affordable housing currently being achieved by the Mayor that the MDC would achieve high levels of affordable housing.  Affordable housing provision should be left to the three local authorities to determine.


The Leader noted that this Council had constantly delivered local priorities through its local democratic mandate.  The Mayor of London had failed to deliver its affordable housing targets.  There was no role for the Mayoral Development Corporation in the regeneration of Old Oak and Park Royal.


1.1.          That in the light of the Mayor’s proposals summarised in this report, Cabinet endorses and approves the proposed Council response to the Mayor of London’s consultation on the proposals for a Mayoral Development Corporation (MDC) at Old Oak and Park Royal as set out in Appendix.


1.2.          That the Executive Director of Transport and Technical Services be authorised to make any further changes, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Regeneration, to the Council’s proposed response letter to the MDC Consultation.