Issue - meetings

Delivering the Schools Capital Programme

Meeting: 05/01/2015 - Cabinet (Item 123)

123 Delivering the Schools Capital Programme pdf icon PDF 115 KB


That approval be given to the procurement decisions, capital allocations, and appropriate delegations where required to develop the priority schemes at the following schools:

a)    Burlington Danes Primary

  To appoint Lakehouse Contracts Ltd as the Main contractor for the contract sum of £5,073,342.00 (+ £142,951 Construction Contingency) following a competitive tender exercise as set out in the body of the report. .

b)    Phoenix High School

To allocate the sum of £185,000 to Phoenix High School (PHS) to allow for the completion of an evaluation study on the feasibility of the redevelopment of the existing PHS site for education purposes by 3BM and to include partial disposal, development of new accommodation and potential inclusion of additional community facilities.



Councillors Wesley Harcourt and Sue Fennimore declared a significant other interest as Governors of Phoenix School.  They took part in the discussions and voted on the matter.

Meeting: 07/04/2014 - Cabinet (Item 196)

196 Delivering the Schools Capital Programme pdf icon PDF 109 KB


Cabinet noted that the report described William Morris School as “a newly-established academy” but the process of conversion to a post-16 academy was still in progress.  The planned conversion date (subject to final Governor approval) is 1 July 2014.   The first sentence of paragraph 5.6.1 should therefore read: “William Morris is in the process of converting to an academy…”



1.1.        That approval be given to the capital allocations, and appropriate delegations where required to develop the priority schemes at the following schools:

1.2.        Ark Conway

1.2.1.   To note that the Council is the contracting authority for the expansion of the Ark Conway Free School, subject to confirmation that the construction qualifies for zero-rating for VAT purposes, and that the costs of the project are underwritten by the Education Funding Agency (EFA). Ministerial approval is being sought for a contract sum of £4,282,297.

1.2.2.   That the Leader and the Cabinet Member for Education approve the appointment of the contractor for these Ark Conway works, following a competitive exercise. 

1.3.        Burlington Danes

1.3.1.   To note the increased funding requirement of approximately £1.5m (to approximately £6m) for the creation of a primary school within the grounds of Burlington Danes and the contribution from the Burlington Danes Trust to cover the cost of expanding the sixth form.

1.3.2.   That the Council undertakes the role of Contracting Authority for the establishment of new-build construction at Burlington Danes subject to confirmation that the construction qualifies for zero-rating for VAT purposes.

1.4.        New King’s & Sulivan (and re-location of Paray House from New Kings to Normand Croft)

1.4.1.   That Contract Standing Orders be waived and that approval be given to the direct award to Elliott Group Ltd for the supply and installation of the temporary classroom units at Sulivan at an estimated cost of £500,000 to accommodate the students to be relocated from New King’s School.

1.4.2.   That Contract Standing Orders be waived and that approval be given to delegate the approval of the contractor for Normand Croft refurbishment works to the Cabinet Member for Education in order to facilitate the relocation of Paray House from New King’s primary school.

1.4.3.   That approval be given to the procurement strategy as set out at paragraph 5.4 of the report for the procurement of a contractor to carry out further construction works, and that the Leader and the Cabinet Member for Education approve the award the contract for the construction works at New King’s primary school, providing the tendered sum is within the estimated value of £3.8m for this project. (This particular delegation is needed in order to facilitate a timely submission of the planning application and commencement of building works. The estimated cost of works is currently £3.8m).

1.5.        St. Peter’s

1.5.1.   That the Leader and Cabinet Member for Education approve a funding agreement between the Council and the school, and other appropriate parties, to draw down funding up to the maximum available of £2.279m subject to satisfactory planning and contract award approvals to allow the school to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 196