Issue - meetings

Delivering the Schools' Capital Programme

Meeting: 22/07/2013 - Cabinet (Item 32)

32 Delivering the Schools Capital Programme pdf icon PDF 93 KB


1.            That approval be given to the capital allocations to develop the priority schemes as follows:


·               Sacred Heart High -  subject to the outcome of targeted Basic Need Grant application to fund this project expand this outstanding school by 1FE, up to the sum of £8 million,


·               Wood Lane High School – proposals are being developed to expand provision at the school. Whilst no estimates are available at this stage it is recommended that a place-holder of £750,000 be identified at this stage.


·               Queensmill Autistic Spectrum Disorder pilot unit at Fulham Boys College £50,000k


·               London Oratory School -  additional Council funding of £700,000k up to £3.1 million to address shortfall in school contribution to upgrade of teaching accommodation project


·               Holy Cross – additional Council funding of £390,000 as the overall project costs have been revised to reflect the complexity of project and stakeholder relationships.


·               Wormholt Primary School - additional Council funding of £50,000 to address budget shortfall of £250,000 from original bid costs. The school have committed to contribute £200,000 from internal budgets towards this shortfall.


2.            That approval be given to a release to Phoenix High School of £400,000, in addition to the £175,000 previously approved, against the total condition need of   £2,479,000 identified in the condition survey carried out by EC Harris in 2011 which will enable the school to address urgent health and safety works without any conflict with the school’s future school vision as a longer term strategy.


3.            That the establishment of a Planned Maintenance Programme in the value of £1,435,200, be approved