Issue - meetings

Hammersmith Library Refurbishment and Relocation of Archives Procurement

Meeting: 02/09/2013 - Cabinet (Item 56)

56 Hammersmith Library refurbishment and the relocation of Archives procurement pdf icon PDF 125 KB


Councillor Cartwright expressed his dissatisfaction of the procurement process.  He was of the view that the procurement process was flawed as it did not go through a proper tender route. The Executive Director of Finance and Governance stated that the most appropriate procurement route via a framework agreement had been selected for this project.   The framework procurement process was open to scrutiny, efficiency and the most cost effective method of procurement for the proposal.  The Executive Director of Housing and Regeneration agreed to brief Councillor Cartwright on the on-going work regarding Mitie which was separate from this project.


The Leader noted that the Administration was proud to refurbish the Library and maintain the Archive services when other local authorities were closing similar services across London.




1.1    That the “Scape” framework as the procurement route for this project, be approved.

1.2    That the authorisation of the award of the future contracts resulting from the framework, to a value that falls within the overall approved budget for the scheme, be delegated to Cabinet Member for Residents Services in conjunction with the Executive Director for Environment, Leisure and  Residents Services and the Executive Director of Finance and Corporate Governance, be approved.